I tell ya, the Jets get no respect at all. Before the game a car drove right into the team bus. Rex Ryan got out and said to the guy " what's a matter, are you blind?" The guys says back "I hit ya didn't I."
I tell ya, the Jets get no respect at all. Before the game a car drove right into the team bus. Rex Ryan got out and said to the guy " what's a matter, are you blind?" The guys says back "I hit ya didn't I."
@Bobby Big Wheel: Plus, this is at like two in the morning at the airport, a place where they are not usually approached for autographs.
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: Stuart.
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: If you don't have Mojo Nixon, then your store could use some fixin' ...
@tastes_like_burning: Because of licensing agreements and record labels this is a "lost" album. God, it is so damn good.
Hmm. There are two types of people in this world. Those who like The Dead Milkmen and those who are terrible human beings. Which one are you?
@Bosoxfan3: I hope you are kidding. There's a real chance that you are not, that is fucking sad. #eastcoastunawareoftherestofthe...
@Bevraj of Choice: I think you are responding about an hour late but I agree with you. It's going to cost them an insane amount of money but there is no way that anyone lets Pujols play for another team, they just can't. He seriously may be the best player of all time.
@Bevraj of Choice: I am curious to see exactly how Dusty Baker ruins his chances at winning a pennant by wrecking his young pitchers. Aren't you?
@Desi_Relaford: Gonzalez is one of the best true hitters in baseball. I think his power numbers go way up after leaving Petco. #obvious
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: God, a superstar player that truely wants to win so f**king refreshing. It's sad weird that it's not always the case.
@Bevraj of Choice: There's no way that Pujols ends up on another team, right? I am no Cards fan but I cannot imagine this happening.
@WhynotstartYunieveryday: Thanks for Greinke. How happy/sad should I be?
@Sheed's Bald Spot: Please educate me on these guys, they are excellent. I am a bit embarrassed to say that I had never heard of them. I can't find much about them online but I like everything I've heard on YouTube.
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: Oh, he hung them that's for sure. His decision making was pretty terrible on those throws as well. Did his experience level really show up tonight? #clichealert
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: To be fair, when they're on Green Bay's secondary can make any quarterback look bad (except Brady).