The Ja Rule of Kinja

Exactly. I’d argue that there is a level of objectivity that is gained by not being in proximity. At my organization we’ve realized, from a managerial standpoint, there’s also a level of equity achieved. There is a reduced opportunity to introduce personal bias when discussing employee performance.

Wrong. It’s hard to build a specific type of pre-millenial trust, virtually.

It’s obvious that you don’t believe “The agreement would let agencies examine TikTok’s US facilities, records, and servers” isn’t the reporting to support the headlines claim of spying....yet you make the leap to conclude that the reporting is in your opinion about “auditing and “oversight” despite neither of those

Sure but you first. What does my seeing it there in black and white have to do with an ability to read?

They cut the live feed angle after about 19 Meters. Was really hoping to see the dust and everything.  Also wild that they landed at exactly 8:34.

Frozen, for me, is a baffling franchise. Such a blatent (yaay for effort, I guess) attempt at selling a message rather than telling a story. I mean, the only way it could get better is if Elsa gives the Northuldra reparations and a portion of land independent of Arendellian rule, where they can open their own cas live


Next you are gonna tell me that the US doesn’t have spies because there are no official texts saying that we have spies. Learn to intuit.

Neither does association with CCP inherently mean “Spying on US users” but yet it is the driving force behind all of this legislation.

The agreement would let agencies examine TikTok’s US facilities, records, and servers”

And according to “The Blind Side” , Oher is a simpleton that doesn’t even know what a refrigerator is.

You are replying to me and not the conversation.

I don’t necessarily disagree with your points. I don’t know if they have any basis in fact, but I don’t have anything to actually disagree with. What I do know is that movies get sequels even when the first bombs:
Chronicles of Riddick: Lost ~100M
XXX: Lost 113M

Yes and Yes

So was Ghost Rider, Hitman & Fantastic 4. So we know being bad is not THE deciding factor to getting a sequel. 

Obviously Johnson isn't gonna say that. He might be franchise Viagra but sometimes the audience just doesn't want to fuck. 

Probably because that's just a narrative "fans" cling to without their being any basis to substantiate. 

i no know words meaning.

Silly me for thinking the author would actually backup the headline claim that the rebrand was boneheaded.

You have to consider that new phones carry so much more mass. A huge chunk of the brick was the battery itself and that helped with durability. Honestly, it’s unicornish. You could get back the durability if you sacrifice or have some sort of breakthrough with capacitive touch. Gorilla Glass isn’t a scam though. If

Oooph. Looks like Canadian Divorces are in vogue.