The Ja Rule of Kinja

Likely. Academic institutions including JHU and The NIH have been proactive for almost a decade now in honoring the Lacks legacy, but  dinging TFS is certainly the first domino for commercial bodies. 

I think when people say “small towns” they are explicitly talking about rural towns. Suburbs are defined by their proximity to a city.

Even more reason to romanticize it. I would never move back to my hometown of 400 people and no stop lights and one Dollar General, but when I do visit my parents the lack of “busyness” is recharging.

You underestimate the value of both quiet and not seeing your neighbor.

Someone help me understand.
Surely there is a scheme Musk is playing at by intentionally running Twitter into the ground under the guise of “oh, these were just bad business decisions. whoopsie daisy”.

Maybe super devaluing twitter and selling it back to Jake Dorsey?

Maybe you haven’t expanded the kinja. The conversation is about Skynet as dictated by the actual thread opener.

The last pair of wireless headphones from Beats was 2019's Beats Solo Pro,”
I want to dispute this so bad, but you are correct. I wantted to dispute because late last year the battery to my Solo Pros had degraded to the point of uselessness. I thought I’d buy the latest version only to find they didn’t exist and the

No the conversation is about Skynet. Nice try tho.

We wanna be China SOOOOOO bad.

The fallacy is probably in the “legitimately” part.

The last time I went to Vegas was my first time. My prize for sitting through a timeshare presentation. Almost not worth it because they booked Frontier and those seats are like the hard kindergarten plastic ones from the early 90s.

Hear me out....but maybe the lions share of the blame shout be on the entity that accepted money to allow this oversized vehicle to scrape its way through the tree. Let’s stop letting the capitalists off the hook when they are the literal gatekeepers.

Wow. With people like you, why innovate at all?

Citation required. My source says that it will run 4 times a day. https://www.reviewjournal. com/entertainment/entertainment-columns/kats/msg-sphere-show-to-run-up-to-4-times-a-day-2761175/

1. I’m sure this thing does not run 24 hours a day. Vegas heat would kill the whole project is a matter of years if so. Given that LEDs last nearly a decade at 10 hours a day
2. I’d bet 13 donuts that the leds are on panels that can be accessed from the inside. Likely the entire panel gets replaced at a time rather

I think you meant this reply for someone else. 

Seems the courts are now fair game for cases brought by strawmen.

It doesn’t matter who anyone imagines Skynet to be. In case, as it seems, you have not been paying attention , government servers are not the safe haven you seem to be imagining them to be. If your identity is stored in any database, Skynet would have access to it, so the idea that Skynet would first have access to

Jesus ....you already have an ID....so your information is already stored in a database. "Skynet had all of your pixels" before the dentist did.

Is this in response to The South went 5 for 5 in the “Who Loves 50 Shades of Grey” contest?