The Ja Rule of Kinja

You already have an ID tho .....

He’s making the point that the federal background check for public trust positions does the same thing but in a much more subtle way. The biggest difference is that the federal one did not reek of discrimination. And because the rush reward for a nefarious actor is much higher with MSFT, it makes sense they would also

I am actually pulling for Google here but not in a pro Google way but in a pro journalist way. I view this as one of those “Baby and bath water situations”. Googles aggregation, unlike Microsoft/Bings actually links you back to the publisher. That ad-revenue is a lost opportunity that outlets have not capitalized on

Could they do this better than Google with ChromeOS? Possibly. The biggest hurdle for google was parity with Office and if MSFT can make a “cloud book” I think it will be an easier transition for the casual user.

Yeah. DC local says driver was trying to kidnap her that’s why she jumped out the car and got her account banned. I know it’s unpopular, but I called bullshit because I see a completely plausible reality where this woman was drunk/high and this was a misunderstanding.

What's the over under on this lady knowing about the alleged kidnapping story from last week? 

If u hAte aMeRica sO mUcH wHy doN’T yOu mOve to teH eUROpeAn UniON?

You’d have to add the mileage to and from the warehouse as well. For Instance, here in DC, the UPS distribution center is 17 miles away so I’d venture that the trucks do more like 50 miles a day. So about 18000 miles per year.

Does LinkedIn prevent recruiters from your own job from seeing that you are open?

Actually Brilliant. Either loads of people use it and Netflix gets to follow up with a “None of you learned the lesson” or nobody (few) sign up and they get to say "Good job learning the lesson"

Not gonna Lie. Ya boy’s got a little fuck you money these days and at $3500 shipped, this has shot up my list of otherwise useless but definite potential purchase list for 2023.

Ah, I see your beef.

1. Wow. This is an incredibly affordable platform.
2. I wonder if the flatform with the flamethrower would be helpful in managing firelines.

Twitter will have to become the new myspace. Parler could only hope to have had the heyday Twitter commanded. 

Are you asserting that competition/market choice is unvaluable to society?

Rivian is adopting it. It’s right there in the byline.
This is not regulation, this is a funding incentive. Texas is not mandating that ALL chargers in Texas have NACS port, just the ones using Federal funding. 

Show me the actual articles saying Miller is factually out because of his misconduct and I will stop thinking that he presently in the middle of a pass. What I think may or may not happen in the future is irrelevant to the present state of him not being distanced by WB, actively promoting and being promoted by.

Super appreciate all the nuanced answers here, as I legitimately had no idea beyond “he did a bad thing related to domestic violence” and even less motivation to Google it because I knew I would not get the context I was looking for, but wanted an answer nonetheless; but holy shit I did not mean to bring out the

Well I stay confused because I'm not sure how the Illuminati decides Roiland gets gets gone but Ezra Miller gets a pass with unarguably more evidence of guilt. 

It's Saturday so someone will have to tell me which side of the cancel fence we are on. I didn't follow this closely, but I would assume that we are baffled as to why the charges were dropped if we are ok with his assumed blackballing, right?