The Ja Rule of Kinja

Nice. Do you have your script to share?

The Shaggy Defense lives!

So like I said. I am only replying to what you actually communicated.
You know it takes almost no effort to just say. “You’re right, but I actually meant to say the majority of vehicles capable of accepting a level 3 charge don’t take 3-4 hours.” You’d still be wrong because the last 20% of charging gets severely

Prada to be exact. 

I am addressing what you actually said Neither your original post or your follow up make it clear that you whether you don’t believe that there are modern EVs that can charge in that little of time or that you believe all modern BEVs charge super fast. Either assertion is false and below are a list of EVs that charge

.....but isn't it tho?

Some modern BEVs do take 3-4 hours to charge. Don’t be a tool. Also, it was Leno that says this so don’t be a misappropriating tool.

Someone made the same comment about The Mitsubishi Outlander some years ago. Jokes on them.

Amazing that the only true SUV on this list is one that already has a limited customer base. They’ve only sold 386 in the first quarter. They might not even make this years numbers by EOY.
I wonder when we will cycle back into Sedans being cool again or if we’ve reached a point of no return. A vehicular arms race for

I was certain I saw the journet on a similar list like 2 years ago, selling only like 32

It’s not a fundamental misunderstanding either. It’s clickbait that remains technically true if not at all accurate depending on how you choose to read the headline.
If you take “you” personally then it is entirely inaccurate.
If you take “you” as in everyone as a whole then the statement is true, accurate, but not

You forgot to put a location in this calendar invite.

Jack managed to grow a fierce beard and not shit the bed during the pandemic and everyone thinks he fell off

Hear me out.....how do I sign up?

Neither the article or the source material are very clear here. Was this some sort of class action lawsuit? Why so little? By all means, ignore my clutched pearls if this seemingly paltry amount indeed makes them all whole, but the $9,642.86 each for the 7 who got towed and $12.5k to be divided between any additional

According to the source material and article, the opposite of what you are saying happened. They did exactly that. They just didn’t account for HOW 4 of those planes can actually get into those positions without complication.  My understanding is that if you had a giant crane, you could lift those plane and place them

Some even mature into females!

I’m just waiting for the fall out of him changing the twitter logo to the Doge dog. seems like a thing the SEC would be interested in given the temporary spike in Dogecoins value and lack of actual reporting on Crypto. I wouldn’t put it past Musk to do it as part of a pump and dump.

I do not disagree in the least. Fans of the franchise simply know how to enjoy a movie.

I think the FF fandom isn’t nearly as toxic as other long standing franchise fandoms; such that, whatever decision is made, they will be ok with it, even if the actor sucks or if the AI is sub-par.