Fredilicious Cocksmith

**scribbles furiously**

Am I the only one uncomfortable that freedom of speech now appears to be policed by private corporations like Facebook and Twitter?

increasing suppression of expression...

Thoughts and prayers

1. This is not fighting, it’s being a cowardly, ineffectual douchebag, and has absolutely no hope of effecting any change whatsoever, apart from the change that comes from being jailed for firing projectiles at a lot of people on a bus.

2. You didn’t do shit. Who’s we?

3. Go shoot out a landlord’s window instead of

I’m team this. It wasn’t a scuffle between two players, throwing someone out of bounds late or a “late hit” on a QB. This was straight up “I’m pissed the ref didn’t make a call and that the ball was not thrown right to me so I’m going to take it out on the guy laying on the ground”

Yeah if they want to make a point sit him down for the rest of the regular season...his intent was to injure. It’s irrelevant it only resulted in a concussion I don’t see how this is any different than haynesworth stomping on gurode which got haynesworth 6 games I believe. Gronk could have broken this guys neck...

If you watch him with any regularity, it’s par for the course. Never understand why people find him charming. He’s a massive asshole, who, if you ever dealt with him in any context outside of him being a professional football player, you would hate him.

Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why the owners are still backing Goodell? They’re not making as much money as they used to and he’s bungled every major recent PR situation, from Ray Rice to Deflategate to Zeke to the National Anthem. Jerry Jones is an asshole but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

That’s making the assumption its because he is running the show and not because of just historical intertia of the league or you know, the quality of the players. I don’t think the NFL will be doing any worse with some other suit in his position.

Stan Kroenke: hey guys it’s dean I’m over my data limit so hit me up on stans phone

Oh no, force me to spend $6 and be treated to unlimited shitty, delicious mac & cheese pizza. Fuck you, fuck all of you. Cici’s rules.

Yeah only on planet FUCK THIS WEED IS STRONG is Litter Caesar’s a preferred dinner choice over Pizza Hut.

Hungry Howies, Jet’s, and Marco’s are all real, and are all significantly better than any of the places on the list.

It’s insane how he’s already finding guys in scoring position so easily. He can take 40,000 shots every summer and develop a jumper, but that court vision is a gift.

I don’t think the lakers came back from 10-plus down last last night because of Lonzo’s “presence.” It probably had more to do with Brandon Ingram scoring 11 points in the fourth quarter to get that game to OT as Lonzo was going 0-4 with two assists (neither to Ingram). Against NO, Lonzo had four third-quarter assists

I’m a Celtics fan on the east coast and have stayed up for 3/4 of his games. I turned the corner on Lavar earlier this summer as well and fully embraced that BBB life.

He might be a different type of 5 star recruit then!

Dems are a bunch of corrupt assholes just like Pubs are? And the Pubs really shouldn’t be throwing stones.