
Although I hope there is finally enough evidence to prove that Hillary is the most corrupt politician in modern times

The hacks happened months ago. The FBI didn’t publicly say anything until yesterday. Strange, huh?

How does this prove Trump did it? I am at a loss with your logic.

Lefties should learn from that cluster fuck. Nadar voters are the reason we got 8 years of George W. Bush instead of Al Gore.

All I can see is how badly you need to charge your phone.

This is bad for both sides of the political spectrum. Bernie fans were more upset due to the DNC leaks. Future fans of Hillary or Trump could easily be influenced by leaked info. Imagine an "October" Surprise based in truth. No time to recover.

That’s what the article implied ...

Just like they went apeshit when Hulk Hogan’s sex tape was released.

If you think the guy who won the GOP nomination is there because the party put their finger on the scale for him, put down the crack pipe. I am not a Trump fan, but he won because he beat everyone against the wishes of the party, not because they counted other candidates’ delegates as his to make him win the initial

Puhlease man, you can’t be this gullible. Gawker Media would be creaming themselves over the scoop and not give a crap about anybody caught in the crossfire. The only reason they even bring up personal info leaks is to distract from anything that makes the dems look bad.

No need to be a dick to someone asking a question

What isn’t good is that the documents released last week (19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments) were dumped in an extremely calculated manner by an organization that holds clear and obvious political motives.


There was some showing they were colluding against Bernie Sanders. And apparently more damaging things will be leaked soon as well.

AS a liberal, I approve these leaks.

I don’t know how anyone could support this charlatan after she hired DWS.

No chance this article would exist if was an RNC hack.

I don’t thing you grasp how corrupt the DNC and the Clintons are. Not everyone in the democratic party is, but the DNC, and the Clintons are extremely corrupt. The Clintons, Bushes, Romneys all need to be sent packing.

“Wait...you’re saying you DON’T have tabs in your file explorer?” — Every Linux user, ever...

They just renamed Clippy to Cortana.