
You're so horribly offended by me saying she deserves street harassment based on how verbally abusive she was to someone who showed 0 of that in return, but you have NO problem with her accusing some guy she doesn't agree with - a guy who's ACTUALLY taking the time to come to jezebel and educate himself (a fucking

If the comments of Jezebel are in any way shape or form a true reflection of the feminist community - we deserve all the hate and contempt we get from society.

Pretty sure Ms. Real Feminist hitzig still's got one up on me in that department, with her condescending, patronizing essay-format responses filled with one insult per sentence to someone continuously responding with respect and requesting to be educated & treated with common courtesy. Yep, thundercunt is definitely

Oh, right, you poor, poor, innocent, well-meaning thing. It was definitely just the snarky (feeling a little generous today?) "feminist" comment - yeah, that was it. It couldn't have been anything else. It couldn't have possibly had anything to do with reducing my intelligence to a shiba inu meme.. and it definitely

Let me now when someone ends up on the sex offender registry for catcalling. Til then, simmer down with the hyperbole, you can pin many things on me - this ain't one of them, idiot.

Incorrect, definitely not right out of the gate. I tried playing nice but unfortunately I wasn't blessed with the level of patience for assholes as that unsuspecting fella.

Sexual harassment? 😂😂 Oh, stfu, drama queen.

Thank you for proving my point.

Goody, byeee now!

I guess calling someone unhinged to put it mildly is your way of playing nice? Another self-aware one! Lovely.

Don't you worry about me and my hinges... if you think you can sit there from behind a screen and tell me WHO and WHAT I am and then call yourself a "real" feminist you got another thing coming from my "pandering" ass! The judgment, assumptions, insults, vitriol, hatred being spewn around by you "real" feminists is so

You have something against black people too now? How do they "sound" please elaborate...

Yeah, the original poster, despite all your unreasonable hate and vitriol. Hats off to him. The rest of you bitches clearly spend way too much time on jezebel, full blown groupthink syndrome to the nth degree.

Oh, someone actually expected "sound and productive" rhetoric on this thread? HAHA! I think the chances of that were lost after the 2nd reply to the original post, at best. Just hilarious at this point.


You're an idiot and you don't know shit about me. You have no idea what it means to be feminist in a Muslim culture and the courage one has to have to continue proudly professing that - how difficult it is in the Midwest alone let alone anywhere else. I don't pander to ANYONE including mythical beings in the sky - so f

Yes, growing up as a tomboy I've always had more male friends than girl-friends, which is true to this day. I try to educate my guy friends as much as I can, and they are shockingly ignorant to how bad it really is. Once I was followed by a street harasser for two days. Men are not aware of how frequent it really is,

I appreciate that you are trying to actually get our input and learn, when most guys just take the "hurr, you should be flattered" approach and don't bother beyond that. This hateful thundercunt doesn't deserve the humanity you've shown her - but she does need it, so I appreciate you for that as well and keeping your