
You sat here waiting for a response so you could foam all over your keyboard and spread your vile vomit all over this board and then you expect me to believe you aren't reading the responses. Typical I've been beat move. You know everything I said was 100% right, you're a disgusting, bitter person and you know it,

LMFAO yeah, right, whatever you need to tell yourself, thundercunt.

Not at all, I'm genuinely baffled by you. I'm trying to help you - clearly no one has pointed out to you before how ridiculous you are. I don't even understand how someone can be that delusional and still functional enough to get online all on their own. Like, you should be studied, I want to study you.

I've got a loooong way to go to match you.

Here we go again. Is this another one of your sound "arguments" or are you just getting lazy now? Please tell me how you are any better than those catcallers by calling me "sweetie" Ms. "Real" Feminist??? Just when I thought the irony couldn't get any richer. How do you survive? I really want to know.

Someone trying to fight harassment with more, intentional harassment — solid, adult life skills. You calling me a 12 year old is fucking RICH. You have literally 0 self-awareness, it's like your purpose in life is to be a walking example of irony and hypocrisy. Fucking ridiculous.

Arguing isn't resorting to petty insults and name-calling in literally every sentence of pure condescension seeping out of you. That's called being a total unreasonable dick, to put it mildly in your case. If that's what "arguing" is I feel bad for anyone who has to interact with you past "how are you?"

LOL... I need to show this comment to everyone who knows me — you don't even know who you are talking to. There's arguing, and then there's just —- I fail to find words for the vile, bitter nastiness your entire existence embodies. It's clear you have deep-seated issues.

Lol I only invite actual feminists to my parties.

I'm so sad you wouldn't invite me to one of your "fun" parties with such an "inviting" attitude — I'd literally rather be invited to Auschwitz than one of your parties with your punchbowl of XXL packets of hate and heaping spoonfuls of bitterness. You need group therapy and hugs, not parties.

WOW. You are ... just something else. Let's just say you deserve all the street harassment coming your way and then some.

I really don't give a shit — my sample size is large enough to support the claim. Come at me brah. :-P

So you've only dated people others introduced you to?

I literally just told one of these bitches the same thing. Vile fucking individuals and I wish all the street harassment in the world on them because they oh SO deserve it. I apologize on their behalf, we're not all overflowing with hatred.

You must be so fun at parties... you're the rudest individual I've ever come across in my entire life, including all the catcallers. I give him props for still responding to you in a respectful manner while you're foaming all over your keyboard. Pathetic.

I have never ever in my life ever heard of catcalling even leading to an exchange of phone numbers let alone anything else. Where did you hear those stories?? Either these women had zero confidence/self-respect to begin with or the guy didn't size them up the entire time while walking down the block like a lion

I concur. I lived in LA for years and had to park my car 4-5 blocks away because all the parking around my work was 2hours max.... DAILY street harassment without fail, mostly by minorities. If it ever were a white guy, usually some white trash construction worker (I'm not saying all construction workers are white

She drew all over that lipline.
