
I don't think she was rationalizing in the moment of rape, I don't see anyone doing that... your first and only thought is how the fuck to stop it.

Lol, you're joking right? "Proportional force" against a RAPIST? What do you propose she should have done, slapped him until he stopped? Is this fuckwad trolling or serious????

As someone who grew up in Western Europe but now resides in the US, it's simply the products of unchecked predatory capitalism... this is just the beginning.

What are you talking about? "Unbalanced" definitely, however sexual trauma could result in mental illnesses such as PTSD, maybe an eating disorder, but it won't make you think someone put a microchip in your brain and now a bunch of people are reading your mind. That sounds more like schizophrenia, which wouldn't be

It's actually 16 in most states, and 18 in very few.

What kind of cocktease comment is that?!

[edit: never mind, answered my own question.]

Right? This reads more like a Seinfeld episode than anything real-life, lol.

You are just as weird as Mr. Ceiling-Toucher, maybe you guys were perfect for each other.

Because their prisons are 150% over capacity.

Exactly my thoughts... damn us cynics (realists)

Come at me brah.

Uhh, Dave Gahan anyone? Anyone???

LOL, a little bit, but go ahead anyway ;)

Thanks! It's sad it needed to be said.

To be honest it's so obvious and undeniable I can't help but think anyone who DOESN'T see that must be below 70 IQ. There is no other logical explanation lol

He posted an update saying she's been found 15 minutes ago...

Shut the fuck up. I'm a woman and a feminist and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how quickly jezebel would have pounced on ANYONE had they made an article discussing labias that look like Arby's sandwiches and they would have SCOFFED at the implication that such descriptions weren't meant as body-shame but

And honestly, you've built a faulty shit system for commenting, can't figure out how to manage/fix it and now you're punishing us for it with this grey comments nonsense. All of gawker media collective has been working HARD lately at alienating their readers, you're doing a splendid job yourself here. While you're at

YOU and WE all know, that had gawker posted an article with a bunch of disney princesses guessing what their vaginas look like along with pretty detailed descriptions (this one's labias hang to the knees kind of trash), you'd be up in arms about the body-shaming and objectifying and the oversexualizing everything, and