Takuro Spirit

Or your David Tracy with 8 non/barely running cars

I’m thinking the mandate that airbags have to adequately protect un-belted occupants is kinda ridiculous at this point. Before we had variable deployment technology, air bags hurt a lot of people because of the extra deployment force needed to keep an un-belted person from launching through the windshield.

Now playing

And for God’s Sake please don’t ride with your feet up on the dash...

Idiots, and the people that take their money.

Knee airbags really aren’t kneeded.

I am looking for a new (or used) commuter car. I want something that is cheap ($10-15k), relatively fast (0-60 under 6 sec), prefer manual transmission, prefer RWD, needs to get about 20mpg. Oh, yeah... needs to fit 5. I’ve got three kids (no more car seats, thankfully).

In Land Rover years, it’s ancient. 

How did someone decide their Land Rover was a good Uber vehicle ? If you’re doing Uber, please buy a Corolla or Civic and save yourself the expensive repairs and gasoline bills. Use the profitable gains to fund an actual project or fun car which doesn’t involve transporting common folks. I wouldn’t trust a Land Rover

Yes - now that you mention it, maybe the driver in the Millenia didn’t realize we were racing either.

I think its interesting how people are playing it off, because the value of what he stole isnt valued that much. Imagine having someone come to your house and start stealing fuel from a tank you had in the back for fueling your cars, tractors or if someone started syphoning gas from your car.

The thing that stands out to me is the assertion that the Tesla driver didn’t even offer an apology. That would have been the least they could do. The other thing I am curious about, is if the charging cable wasn’t long enough to allow him to go from the car to the receptacle while still on the swale, what would he

Wait, so they were “visiting a friend” when they noticed they were out of juice, and their friend wouldn’t let them leave the car there to charge? 

My favorite part about the internet is that it allows you to enjoy every minor asshole from around the world, not just the nearby ones.

Into a pile of brown dust, amirite?

Another article on the internet about Millenias. I get it, they can’t find jobs, buy homes or get out of debt.

I can’t recall the name of the episode off the top of my head (it’s the one with Data’s “mother”), but in a later season of TNG they pull a retcon and mention that Data has an “aging program” that causes his appearance to age like a human. In light of that, Data (if that really is Data) appearing (relatively) ageless

You are doing Star Trek fandom right.

Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01, former Borg, turned liberated Starfleet officer.

The costumes are terrible. This show really needs a good tailor.