Takuro Spirit

“The two rear inlets, their primary function is essentially taking exhaust thermal energy out of the rear compartment,” he told me.

I’m sure Kenny Loggins has something to say about screw ups in this trailer.


Your trailer’s writing checks your movie can’t cash!


As previously reported, this fucker comes in brown. #YouHadMeAtTarga

Sir, it comes in Zeus Bronze Metallic, which is fancy brown:

It’s not manual, not brown and not a wagon.  So, there.

Great article, great reveal. I like it. I stayed up too late. This old boomer is going to bed.

Looks like they slap him into the seat of, I would imagine, an SR-71, because speed sells, due to the pressure suit. That or a U-2 as the SR-71 was retired.

I’m gonna be mighty pissed if there’s no reference to flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong.

I think the passenger keeps on knittin’ her afghan, lotta dash space on her side for yarn balls.

This is pure pornography. Fuck the new Corvette, the internet has been won with this trailer.


Come on, Mav, do some of that pilot shit!

Were the interior designers not told it was mid engine and doesn’t need a big central tunnel?

Jalopnik: Cars these days have too many screens and not enough buttons!

Thats ah...thats a lot of buttons. 

I got a 30$ Yi cam on Amazon and have used footage twice - for other victims. Twice I witnessed accidents and sent footage to all parties involved. On both occasions the people at fault wanted me to fuck off. One guy threatened me after I offered the footage to the lady who was seemingly in the right. I pulled over as

Something something bad apples something...