Takuro Spirit

That, 100%, is up to the buyer.

Its possible, but it didn’t fit the calculations quite right. ~$2500 is right around what they go for, regardless of condition, and not knowing exactly what else is wrong with it I think $2k is a fair guess at all that it needs.

At this age and in its original condition is going to be a collector item, not a beater for a 16yo.

Not everyone is a backyard wrencher.

Depends on who’d doing the work and the quality of the parts.

The majority of the populace isn’t looking to the used car market for race cars. I’m speaking generally here, not for the 1%ers.

So as-is we can assume it needs ANOTHER $2000 worth of work? Who’s putting $4300 into a body damaged, torn rear window’d, possibly mechanically questionable Miata?

If your inspection includes working sealed lights, then you’d have to fix it, and any structure around it that may be too far damaged for it to fit properly.

See my reply to Alex. 

Proper repair of the front bumper, replacing the light, anything hidden behind that’s damaged, paint, properly repairing/replacing the rear window, and I’m sure there’s a ton of mechanical work needed.

A $300 car that needs $2000 with of work is not a $300 anymore.

Keep your racist comments to The Root

Oh, boo hoo lets cry about Tesla some more.

Of COURSE there’s a term for it.

I hope they didn’t 3D model the crowd, just in case

O’Reilly Auto Parks

If I learned one thing from this, its that ‘coupe’ is one of those words that not only sounds weirder and weirder the more you say it, it also LOOKS weird spelled out.

I was watching Star Trek last night and I’m pretty sure the captain mentioned in his log they were enroute to the Supervision Meter Cluster.

Mr Mime :D