Takuro Spirit

Back in the early 00's I DD’d one of these delivering car parts all over.

I used to deliver parts in one of these, except mine had a 360 and 3/4 suspension.

Queensland’s got the right idea, here, and I hope American police units hop onboard, too. That way, in 15 years, I can buy a used Stinger for a song.

Mazda Bongo Friendee!

Hit the tow truck? WHY?

I remember using the block heater on my CVPI to get the IAC to work until I had time to replace it, once cleaning it didn’t fix it.

You’d be surprised how many people, usually older, who think “gosh durn cumpooterized car, its not runnin gud, MUST BE THE CUMPOOOTER” and then get pissed off when they spend the hundreds for a new one and it fixes Jack Shit.

And if you went out and bought a new giant truck to drive from the suburbs to your job in the city after gas prices dipped, you should’ve known that nothing lasts and everything is cyclical. Keep smiling through the pain as those prices tick upward, though. You’re in it for the long run now

Reminds me of a really racist joke I heard once in a bar...

Renters’ coaches are carefully inspected before they are allowed through the gates.

Good thing nothing had clouded his mind so he could make that quick decision.

I knew there would be That Guy.

With those tires they won’t.


Well, I did find it on CarDomain, so... yeah.

I never paid much attention to them until people started nose-swapping thier Silverados and Sierras. Why Caddy never made a Blackwood/Mart LT competitor I will never know....

TIL someone preserved a Mazda Navajo...

Smart dumb people would have it added to the monthly payment, and take delivery once it was installed.

That’s pretty much ALL of Jalopnik, right? :D

Fair critique? Yes.