
@sam4sb: they usually tell you on the product card when you buy it what type of RAM it is (probably with the expectation you'll purchase the 2gb upgrade anyhow).

@sam4sb: This is actually due to Microsoft. In order for MS to sell Windows to vendors at a subsidized price, the hardware has to meet certain spec requirements. Right now they (MS) have limited the memory to 1gb.

@Karth is Ego Tripping: I thought it was the original casting of the 2nd Matrix where Trinity goes backwards out the window. The directors/writers/[whatever else they did on the movie] then realized they made a first Matrix movie w/ a different person and decided to go w/ the original actress.

@talkingstove: And why not?! I'm strapping him to the front of the rocket we send after said asteroid.

But doesn't it cover up the [rather innovative] antennae system that they developed for it? I wonder how much it affects it. I would assume as much as your jeans might... maybe?!

Whoa, whoa whoa!!! You need to clarify here... This was a Google Eng. but he was NOT representing Google when he did this. Also, he wasn't doing it to spite MS. Reading the full email disclosure, he was trying to point out the system in which exploits are handled throughout the industry. He's frustrated with the

@OCEntertainment: And to back up your Verizon/Droid... The Moto-Droid is actually called the Motorola Milestone outside the US, thought it's the exact same thing.

@mrantimatter: It's an Ironman suit... It most likely had little tiny thrusters helping her out.

@Frizkie: I think USB_... is saying that he wants it so that 'the man' can't tell someone that their screwed because their devices is jacked from water damage

@Xeno: there's a difference?!

@oshiee: 6-degrees of Joss Whedon? Wait... what?!

@oshiee: 6-degrees of Joss Whedon? Wait... what?!

@Nitesh Singh: because it is data and "not a physical" item, you're saying it's not theft? Then it's OK for all those "hackers" to steal data from anyone and everyone, because it's just data and not tangible? It's not the idea of taking a physical object. It's the idea of taking someones passion that they spent time

@Nitesh Singh: ummm... dude, your logic is flawed beyond all belief. Theft is theft. Wether you had intensions of paying for it legit or not. Yes the idea of someone stealing something is a lost sale is just purely retarded, but that does not make it ok to take something.

@PsychoSuperman: Personally, I don't really see that as a bad thing.

@Yinzers Are People Too: ummm... you know it's HP now right?! The next-gen pre will have a nice package, but crap execution!

@some1else2: look into the Japanese camera Yashica EZ f521. "They" call it the digital Holga. I got it not too long ago. It's pretty decent and cheap.