
Sleeper hit of 2014?

You sir, are the Master. I only lasted 7.3 seconds.

West coast of Australia.

Rhetorical question: Why are we surprised that some participants of a violent sport are also violent outside of said sport?

I still haven't played Minecraft. Please don't revoke my Gamer Card.

Doesn't Activision & Bungie have a decade long plan for this game? So, to sit there & complain there aren't many features, & the story is "thin"... is kinda silly. It's an MMO, they're gonna roll content out over the next few months, or years. Unless the Metacritic scores kill the game before it really takes off!

I could be wrong, but Metacritic scores only matter to the video game execs who don't actually play the video games.

As for the Ray McDonald situation, he hasn't been charged. It's been two weeks. An arrest is nothing more than putting a stop to a situation. He hasn't legally been accused, or charged with anything. However, I imagine an arrest for domestic violence would fall under a teams conduct unbecoming clause...

I can't even imagine how painful that must be... I hope he gets taken care of & comes back next season.

This is a person born at third base & thinks he just hit a home run!

Looks like Storm from the X-Men.

Those money grubbing asshats at EA! How dare they make money off of Christian Kirksey's unfortunate stature!

Not about the story, but couln't you find a Shutterstock photo of "gamers" with wireless controllers?

Do they consider Spelling Bee's a "sport"? 'Nuff said...

Is this the part where I scream that Kotaku is just a bunch of Sony fanboys? I don't know, I'm new to all of this...

Just started playing Diablo 3 a couple of weeks ago. Also Metrico, Broforce, Hearthstone, Child Of Light. I need to circle back around to Papers, Please & Guacamele. Mostly catching up, really.

I just started playing this for the first time two weeks ago. I'm in love.

Just because Sarkeesian is pointing out sexism & more to the point, lazy writing in video games doesn't mean the Thought Police are going to take away your Call Of Duty franchise.

I'm pretty sure she's aware that she's hot. I'm also pretty sure she has a sense of humor, too...

"What's wrong with being sexy?"