GMT800 Tahoe Guy

There is a difference between being sympathetic to how shitty a job being a police office is in 2021, and being the sort of freak who puts a police interceptor badge on every car he owns (regardless if he actually is a cop or not). The latter is 99.99% a completely unhinged moron who thinks George Floyd deserved it.

Seriously, I’d bet my life that after he posted this ad, this guy went straight to the Challenger forums to resume a months-long argument that George Floyd was asking for it, the vaccine is helping Covid spread, DeSantis would be a great president, etc.

Yeah, there’s been a lot of gloom and doom as some social distancing has come back, but now that the FDA approval has opened the door for mandatory vaccines this Fall could really turn around. 

Again, I’ll buy they had it sorted by GenV, probably even as early as GenIII, but whatever fisher-price junk they were using GenI probably reached oh shit oh shit oh shit levels of hot. Not the insta-burn of metal, but still rather unpleasant.

That metal cover that goes over the exhaust gets almost as hot as the exhaust itself. Granted, it’s more problematic on the C2 because that cover is flared out at least 6“ past the side of the car, but the fundamental problem is putting something really hot next to something else tends to make the second thing hot too

Agree with everything except for the problem with side pipes. While I don’t know what he is talking about with his hand, it’s pretty damn hard to get out of something that low slung without at least grazing you calf on the skirt. I burned the hell out of my leg on a C2 doing exactly this. Anyone whose ever touched the

Fair enough, hijacked is an overzealous way of putting it. Not really sure what we are disagreeing about (if anything) at this point, as I’m with you that retail investing rarely pulls much water on Wall Street. I’d just argue Tesla is one of those exceptions due to them being owned by significantly less INST than the

Small start ups are volatile because they’re small start ups, and thus have less institutional support.”

Ehh, its kind of a half and half thing. Even though established companies are controlled more by large institutional investing, Tesla and the smaller startups are so much more volatile because institutional investors don’t buy/own the overwhelming majority of their stock the way they do with GE, Bank Of America, Yum!,

This about nails it. The only way I would amend it is that most established companies still have their price impacted more by institutional investing* than the individual investors because those still move mountains more money. The startups and the volatile stocks like Tesla are much more susceptible to being impacted

I love how the box leaps through so many hoops to make it seem as much like actual cheese as possible. Like they are fooling anyone, and they aren’t selling this shit only to people who are poor, deranged, or obscenely far from an actual deli.

$2,500 over MSRP really is the best you could hope for right now. Even the most reputable dealerships have to do it because turning a a few people away for a week is better than every delivery being gone the next day. Inventory is fine calculus.

Again, not sure if that constitutes overrated. Even though those trimmed out ones are pointless when new, they are still going to be changing hands for good money in 20 years because that’s how sturdy they are. Mom & Pop landscapers and tradesmen’s apprentices need something to eat hard miles reliably. It’s not so

4Runners are weird because they go from feeling like extremely dated *new* cars to extremely good *old* cars. I bought a 2010 160k mile 4runner last year to drive to construction sites, and its honestly nicer than any of the midsize commuters my friends take to accounting jobs.

IDK if “overrated* is the right word for the Tacoma. The average person just doesn’t realize a truck built to survive a highly-abusive 300k miles is going to be pretty rough around the edges . I leased a ‘16 when new, and while I can verify everything you said, the sub 30k sticker for the second to lowest trim model

The governing bodies agreeing to allow each other’s cars really has turned everything on its head. What a time to be alive.

Yeah, that’s the implication I got.

I hope Ferrari follows through and joins this prototype Frankenstein class as well. A Porsche/Ferrari/Toyota/Cadillac/Peugeot class sounds bonkers. Get Bentely back in with an evolution of the Speed8 and we’ve got all the classic main countries covered.

The city of Chicago recently went on a tear of putting in the bolt-in ones EVERYWERE, and as far as I can tell, it was completely unprovoked. My alley got a bunch even though it’s so rough nobody in their right mind speeds on it or uses it to shortcut busier streets.

Hell yes. My old high school history teacher used to joke he was wanted by the FBI because he got his dog ordained online, and ordaining an animal is apparently a federal crime.