GMT800 Tahoe Guy

Beheading them and using their skull to make a chalice is optional but encouraged.”

Block said Musk’s “narcissism” drew his disdain and stoked the belief that Tesla’s business would crater.

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“They’ll do anything for the unborn. Then once you’re born, you’re on your own.”

I agree, but I also question what anyone should be expecting from someone who doesn’t realize their doing donuts within striking distance of an unmarked cruiser, in a stolen car. Said person seems liable for some unpredictable shit.

I know my avatar signals homerism for this vehicle, but seriously, all my mechanic uncles have been cycling through buying these cheap used and running them until they croak around 350k miles for the last 15 years. They’re bulletproof, and comfortable as all hell.

Not to mention the Countach is the living end of high-end of Radwood, which at this point seems to have fully overthrown the FnF “ricer” style as the most prominent form of car culture.

I was speaking from the American perspective because I live on lake Michigan, but shit, we’ll probably have a deathmatch over the ones we share.

Aside from one year when they borked the rear diff, obvious answer is obvious.

I’m not sure how close they are to doing it, but there is serious talk about boosting the great lakes Coast Guard fleet for when that issue reaches its flash point.

At the very least, you should only have access to them with excellent credit. If you want something bad enough and have the proof that you’ll pay over time to back it up, then let it rip. 

or charge more for them so fewer people buy them.”

Goodness, there’s a LOT of projection in there. Let’s pop this off and get on with our respective Friday’s.

That is a shame. Bayliners aren’t the best but should still be good.

he bought a CHEAP used boat first, and had all sorts of issues with it. So he figured he needed a new boat.

HELL YES. You can’t drive stick unless you know how to make it into each gear with blunt impacts with your arm while keeping whatever is in your hand upright.

+1 Memphis Raines

How does me thinking it’s stupid stop him from using it? He can use whatever he wants to tow whatever he wants, I’m just going to find that kind of overkill hilarious.

The obvious question for anything this far out is what the hell is going to power it. They can’t possibly be thinking of putting a rotary in it. Is Mazda still dying on the hill of that “holy-grail” Skyactiv ICE? PHEV?

But boats depreciate like an anvil tossed off a cliff, so each was well underwater when traded in.

Forget the cost, using a HD truck to haul something you could tow with a minivan is dumber than never using it to haul anything. It’s like using a really high end electric razor when you can barely grow any peach fuzz.