
But since it was developed in Japan and not in the west, Square Enix said that the game exceeded expectations and actually generated a profit. (probably)

I don’t think it would be Triple H in charge of booking if he stepped down any earlier than 2016

Van Wilder? Accepted?

A lot of the debt isn’t new debt but overpayment for Warner by AT&T. When AT&T had Warner spun off and “merge” with Discovery, they had to take all the debt with it.

There’s going to be a point where all the debt AT&T acquired will be delt with by picking apart Warner Media and sold off in pieces to other media companies or some Chinese owned business.

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Because some of us are lazy fucks that don’t want to watch a whole Nelly music video, the scene in question is at 3:14

I will find it baffling if the latest version of The Show doesn’t come Day 1 to PS+ but it will be there on Game Pass.

So is this how Netflix advertises their games? Via stealth marketing on gaming sites?

I’m pretty sure that’s just a pepperoni, which is VERY processed.

Or this is going to turn out like Avengers where the intro levels are great to play but the missions that happen later are tedious and boring. 

A true D&D movie should make all the protagonists as murder hobos who do nothing but barter at the local shop for 30 minutes to get the nice sword cheaper by 100 gold.

Still waiting on Gremlins 3: Dawn of Desmond to hit theaters.

Allegedly, he’s walking away from everything, creative included.

Who is wrestling this weekend. Order the PPV if you want to watch a man die in the ring.

You mean the education systems that are constantly getting their funding pulled and given to private schooling and media where there are no less than 3 dedicated 24 hour news networks dedicated to conservative viewpoints as well as major companies owned by conservative figureheads (Sinclair, Murdoch, Koch)

Pretty much. Just think of it as Pop-Tarts gave their ingredient list over to the FDA and said we have fruit, FDA asked back what kind of fruit and received no reply or just the blanket statement of fruit.

meanwhile, the other toaster pastry companies said “we have strawberry, blueberry,... etc.”

How long is the board for this company going to exist? 6 months? Microsoft is going to come in and (hopefully) clean shop from these people.

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Here’s what it looks like when it’s working properly. More lifelike than frozen dummy.

So you’re willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if it happened more than once, but since it’s happened once, it’s totally on purpose?