
Here let me sum it up real quick:

One thing that helps me out is surgical tape. tape your mask to you face under your eyes and you won’t be pushing air up onto your glasses and fogging them up.

Counterpoint: Xbox Game Pass makes it to where I’m not spending ungodly prices for new games anymore. $15/month and I’m playing Halo on day one.

The era owning and paying full price for games is slipping away just like for buying movies.

Motherfucker you’re making Neopets.

Because bluetooth won’t work with Alexa or Google Home.

What products? They only release 2-3 games a year.

Cylinders have difficulty of collapsing in on themselves compared to squares or other shapes. This is good for a long term floating station.

I’m surprised to not see Bigelow and Boeing not on this list.

but who could possibly be disappointed with an electronic antique under the tree or beside the menorah?

You won’t be bringing them up, but Uncle Ronnie will. He’ll be calling everyone a fag while wearing his MAGA cap in front of his son who hasn’t come out to the family yet.

Without COD, Activision barely has a company. The only other new game they have developed in house outside of a Call of Duty since 2017 is Crash 4. Everything else has been a remake, port, or (in the case of Sekiro), bought from an outside developer.

I’m surprised that they employee ~10,000 people just to release 1-3 games a year.

I just say talk to your doctor. I’m 35 but I have an underlying condition that’s “in the grey zone” of if covid will make thing worse for me or not. My doctor said that without the booster I would be in worse shape than with it due to my disease and recommended that I get the booster.

More likely Spider-Gwen before Nic Cage Spider-Man

If the Developers at Sledgehammer, Raven, Infinity Ward, and Treyarch got brave they could leave and destroy Activision by walking out and making a new publisher without Kotick and friends.

Dallas traffic is a bitch.

There’s a bundle on sale on GoPro’s website that includes the camera, an extra battery, external charger, 32gb SD card and 1-year subscription for $400.

There’s a bundle on sale on GoPro’s website that includes the camera, an extra battery, external charger, 32gb SD

McDonalds make more from real estate than selling hamburgers. Welcome to capitalism.

Thanksgiving is a time to eat good classic food and argue with your family about politics before the tryptophan kicks in and makes everyone want to take a nap.