Ta-er al-Asfer

In that case, I'd be game, but haven't they already done a Superboy-type story with Mon-El this season?

I was initially bummed that the president wasn't actually the DCCW's version of Wonder Woman, I'm really happy with how it was handled here. It's the perfect message of this whole season's theme about immigrants.

My only fear about Superboy is them introducing a teenage character/actor to the show next season, which would be TERRIBLE.

This was excellent, and it was a very, very welcome return of Cat Grant, the great uniter.

Every. Single. Day.

I read that in RuPaul's voice.

I'm An Old, so this really wasn't on my radar, but I was impressed with him on SNL.

Somehow I think you'll survive this experience.

He's delightful.


The pilot is representative of how good the show gets.

That sex scene was mesmerizing and erotic, in a way I've never seen depicted on screen between two men.

It was the chemtrails.

Fuck her. I hope every day of her life is miserable.

Colin Jost is hot, though.

He's very pretty, I don't know what you're talking about.

And they need to stop draping sweaters over the actor playing Kevin. He's clearly jacked, and we deserve to see it.

It's honestly fantastic.


Like, both kids are telekinetic, and Polaris is basically just telekinetic but only with metal. Cheap af.