Ta-er al-Asfer

It looks really cheap.

Pavlov's Bell brings only Sarah these days, as her brother murdered the dog.

She gets all her charm and diabetes from her father.

I really liked Butler in the role, but I do hope Reggie gets more to do next season.

Did Abbott die in the explosion?

Considering this is now the series finale, I think that final scene works a lot better than it would have as a series finale.


Maybe… calm down?

When she gave a Farrah her cocktail to calm her nerves before a lip sync, she won my heart.

Just couldn't stop yourself from making a comment about her boobs.

If you're already over the hill, how did you manage to choose 'pas de deux' as your hill to die on.

*laugh track*

You're fucking weird, dude.

Never heard the expression.

It's good if you like over the top.

"Serpentine, Juggie, serpentine!"

I'm gonna miss your rankings SO MUCH between seasons. Do you do other shows?

Yeah, I'm bummed we're losing that actor, but he was also rarely used.

It's a damn shame we're losing Butler.
