Ta-er al-Asfer

Wouldn't Danny Rand be a very recognizable face in NYC?

Christ. I invite you to climb out of your own ass. Your opinion isn't a precious molding of crystal.

I just hope there's a scene of them all getting drunk together. You know Danny is a lightweight.

They spend three hours on an AV Club message board explaining how precious their time is.

This looks like a lot of fun.

It's been a 100 days and you haven't made up your mind?

People tripping over themselves to defend Trump. I don't quite get it.

Revealing Zoom to be an alternate or future Barry would have been awesome. Revealing Savitar to be a version of Barry is fucking boring.

It says a lot when the creators of Veep are dumbfounded in how to follow Trump in the ridiculous/atrocious spectrum of behavior.

(I saw and I love it)

There's a very clear line between predictability and inevitability. The moment we were introduced to the Framework, everyone knew there was a possibility that Mack would refuse to return to reality because of Hope (her name isn't subtle). Because this season is written so well, it wasn't predictable so much as

All of the superhero shows - Supergirl and AoS and such - are getting their jabs in at Trump. It blows my mind that there are literally thousands of people who support Trump who also root for these heroes in whose world Trump would clearly be a villain.

GodDAMNIT, this 'Agents of Hydra' story has been fucking fantastic. It's so deeply rooted in characters who we've grown to love wrapped in a twisty What If storyline. So good.

In an already unnecessary movie, that was the nail in the coffin.

This is weird, what you're doing right here.

Ugh, he's the worst.

Guggenheim hasn't been particularly quiet about his dislike of the current administration, and it shouldn't surprise anyone that Whedon and Tanchaoroen lean left.

The season finale is titled "Nevertheless, She Persisted"


It's a very good book and it's turning out to be a very good series. Check it out.