Ta-er al-Asfer

It still sort of had an excellent finale, so far as endings go.

To be fair, the book was published in 2001.

So pumped for that show.

Very cool premiere. Ricky Whittle might have the toughest job of the whole cast, and he was great.

This is one of the necessary hours that are hard to get through, at least for me, because Kevin Sr. is such a cantankerous piece of shit, and no fun to spend time with.

Christ Almighty, I'm sorry to hear about that.

This is the most LOST-feeling episode of the series, for me, so far. Maybe it's the adventure in Australia, or the helpful magical Australians, but this was peak Lost.

Ugh, Kevin Garney Sr. is the worst.

Kevin Garney Senior sounds EXACTLY like Frankie from Grace and Frankie. Listen to him for a second, and you'll hear it.

She… she poisoned you!?

So that's a yes, I'm gathering.

"I'm deeply ashamed of this."

I'm not even sure what you're trying to do here.

Feel better, babe?

Feel better?


Christ Almighty, this country has gotten embarrassing.

u dont No mee<<1343!

Classic Piper! *musses her hair*

Are you feeling OK?