Ta-er al-Asfer

lol sure thing, babe

Oh, man, I still get night sweats thinking about trying to play Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness.

Oh, absolutely. It reminds me of when Gunn was first introduced on Angel. That was in 2000, and yet here we areā€¦

Aww, poor thing, how sad for you.

I never got into Anne Rice's work, but I'm a fan of Christopher's Rices mysteries. And he's hilarious on social media.

It's OK. I won't tell anyone. I'm sure the syphilis will drive you mad before it kills you. I hope your womb is too diseased to reproduce, though. One of you is bad enough.

Between this and Leftovers, Dowd is playing characters you want to straight up murder and she's fucking great.

Betty being exasperated by her mother is delightful, if, ya know, terribly sad.

Go fuck your cousin, if even he will have you. Filth.

She has a very "plz murder me" vibe about her.

Alice Cooper, specifically.

I just want to be all "now you kids play nice!"

Didn't he make a big show of *not* wanting her at his birthday party?

I can't imagine how these people would react to a movie like Heathers, which is clearly an inspiration for this show.

On this show you'd be crazy to think otherwise.

You poor trashy little dirtbag. Go crawl into your hole.

This show is so delightful. I transported my mind to around season three when the nonsense will probably get too much and the guest stars too obnoxious, but right now it's perfectly balanced.

Chicago isn't Gotham City, everyone.

Also, Rene needs to cut that "Hoss" bullshit WAY back. Maybe once an episode, but he dropped it about five times in this episode, and in a previous episode he called Curtis "Hoss."

I hate this detail so much. I swear I saw a stunt guy's leg explode from the exit side in this episode, so it's not like the SFX team is going out of their way to confirm these aren't bullets.