Ta-er al-Asfer

I remember thinking the X-Men: The Last Stand trailer looked promising way back when.

Please don't rape the movie, squ8d :(

I really enjoy the Spider-Woman book. And Al Ewing does fun things with his Avengers books.

Please don't body shame the microwave.

So a lot of slow-motion posing and "humor"

My biggest issue with JJ was that there weren't more cases of the week. I genuinely hope we get more of that in season two. If you look at the comics, the Kilgrave story only took up about 10 percent, while the rest was Jessica being a P.I. in the Marvel Universe.

It's just a funny word for genitals. Calm down.

I hope Defenders and Punisher aren't as slapdash as this.


So great to have this show back.

As much as I adore season two, I wish they had never hooked up. It felt really forced. By the time they had reunited on the island, it felt like their little affair had burned out.

Ya meemaw a straight up freak

Didn't she play a teacher?

Marvel needs to reward her with her own show. She's always the best thing when she's on screen. I'm loving the idea she becomes White Tiger.

It's telling that someone drunk off his ass is more graceful and powerful than the Iron FIst.

She probably (and rightfully) assumes that this ninja shit ain't over yet.

It's just very dumb.

Oooh White Tiger would be awesome.

Claire is definitely a stand in for the audience. I think we roll our eyes in unison.

I'm bummed they wasted Lewis Tan on a bit role. He could have been Shang-Chi in the second season.