Ta-er al-Asfer

Colton just got engaged and announced that he's going to be a father in the last two weeks, so I don't think he's looking to sign on to another show any time soon, unfortunately. He'll parkour in our dreams.

Chase is literally and figuratively killing it as the villain, no doubt.

You consider Tommy a villain? That bratty little puppy taken too soon from this cruel world?

One of the (few) best parts of season three was when Laurel and Roy took over protecting Star City while Oliver was presumed dead. It only lasted two or three episodes, but it was really great.

I still get choked up that Dream Laurel got abandoned. That felt unnecessarily cruel to her, even if she didn't exist.

Dolph was on fire tonight. He's such a physical presence - elegant and imposing. Very cool to watch.

Plus Amell was shirtless for an entire episode and I learned that he has the slightest hint of chest hair. So, ya know, I'm filing that information away. For later.

(she was in the 100th episode, which was really quite lovely)

You're not gonna find a bigger Sara fan than I, but when she was killed, I was coming off the high of season two and said, "Let's trust the writers."

Again, I say this as a fan of the character and actor, but couldn't they have found another Havenrock survivor without the insanity of a man surrounded by magic rags?

And the Legends of Tomorrow used JRR Tolkien to try to retrieve the blood of Christ to prevent a group of lunatics from re-writing reality.

Oliver talking about "practicing" torture was GRIM.

This season is really turning out to be something special. It won't ever reach the dizzying heights of season two - which juggled the Big Bad with Sara introducing the league and Roy doing his thing (remember Roy? we were so young). But I'm really impressed with how solid this season has been.

I'm as surprised that Marvel gave him the reins to the show as I am that they allowed Iron Fist to be released the way it was.

Do yourself a favor and watch Stevens in the movie The Guest. I've never been so attracted to/terrified of a character before.

What a cool fucking episode.

SHIELD is regularly solid and sometimes, as with the latest episode, quite fantastic.

"practically laughing"

He might have actually been told there will be a second season. That's not arrogant.

I liked 10 and 12.