Ta-er al-Asfer

I gave birth to a telepathic gorilla.

Gosh, I'm sure the CW - or any of us, for that matter - care that you simply couldn't stomach sitting through a 40 minute episode of television with a few musical numbers. I'm sure it would have just killed you.

I agree. I wish show had been, from the opening moments, a musical. They didn't even change the transitions or the regular score.

I was only being half serious - this is all the indulgence of the writers, to our own enjoyment.

Maybe Music Meister makes regular visits to Malcolm to try to reform him?

God bless Benoist and Gustin. Their facial reactions - Kara to every time she indulged her love for Wizard of Oz or Barry while he watched two of his surrogate dads sing a ballad - were exquisite.

Was Not-Malcolm's son actually named Tommy?


Classic wrong opinion from Buzz. Truly the Cleveland Show of AV Club.

"The Buck is airborne, people. I repeat: the Buck is airborne."

"And now I'll have my revenge," Melania cackles.

Bannon can serve him Eric pot pie beforehand.

I hope the fucker drops dead on a golf course, live on FOX News.

I can blame, damnit!


Dawn of Just Ass

This is karmic justice for cancelling Sarah Connor Chronicles, the only good thing this franchise has created since T2.

That's unlikely. Netflix is funding one show, and ABC is funding the other.

I love how lived-in each of his personas can be. It's not just a costume, it's a whole insane character with a history.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Scott Buck, the idiot showrunner who fucked this up, is currently filming the Inhumans series in Hawaii on what I'm assuming is a big budget, as it has to look good enough to go to theaters in IMAX.