Ta-er al-Asfer

Why didn't they just say that fucking warehouse was in, like, Jersey where they clearly filmed it. What's the point of going to China if they didn't even look like they left NYC?

I'm banned, and not for shit-posting either. For posting facts.


It's weird to promote and screen a film when there isn't even a trailer available.


If a white person took a shot at him, maybe?

Yes, and if you read the minutes from that meeting we made it clear that snark should be funny.


Yeah, I just read that. Fuck you, Chappelle.

Thanks for letting us know?

You've missed the reference and therefore ruined it. Good day, sir!

I'm a masochist, so I regularly read the comment section at Breitbart to test the limits of my sanity. There's nothing he could do to deter their hero worship.


I'm pretty sure Trump has expressed both pro- and anti-choice beliefs, but his sycophants never blink when he's a hypocrite.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of shit.

That would be criminal

… K.

For sure, but still.

You're damn right that Rosario Dawson makes these shows better just by showing up. She's ggreat.

Give him a San Diego Thank You!