Ta-er al-Asfer

Being a Robyn fan is frustrating. She hasn't released a proper album since 2010.

Haley's descent and ultimate recovery from cancer over the course of the episode is sublime.

Sarcasm. How original!

They're surprisingly solid. I still laugh my ass off.


Scorching hot take, bro!

"Like I destroyed *her* last night? HIGH FIVE!

Roger Smith is one of my all-time favorite television characters.

It's one of the most underrated animated comedies on television.

"Merlot Down Dirty Shame"

I love how the Presidential Cinematic Universe is all connected!

Breath. Breath!

It's just been so repetitive and circular.

Oh, I'm not saying he made the jump and landed, but I'm pretty sure that's the actor making the leap. I'm sure they had like something padded for him to land on.

I could see that.

Look, we're all upset he put on a shirt.

As if you've never framed a lover!

In a lesser actor's hands, I could understand hating Mon-El, but Chris Wood is charming as hell.

I like to imagine that's an interaction that poor guard had to have with a lot of girls Mon-El woke up next to.

Tell me if I'm wrong, but it looked like Chris Wood actually hopped over the second-level railing near the end when Music Meister attacked. I understand these CW hunks are fit, but I enjoy when they seem to jump at the chance to do stunts.