
He also got his staff to follow members of the public with cameras for daring to speak out against him. Once, the staffer followed someone all the way to their vacation destination to harass them. He really is a shit.

No idea, but he's probably doing just fine. There's no shortage of fans who will continue to buy what he's selling, and given that someone far crazier and tainted than him (i.e. Alex Jones) has become a multimillionaire solely off the back of people's gullibility and paranoia, there's no reason to think that Billy-boy

Yeah, it should be two, dammit. 'cos two is far more bigly than one.

Okay, if it was just that easy, then you have to explain why so many brutal dictators go on to lead long and prosperous lives…

Be jealous of the binge watchers who come after you and who won't have to wait another whole year before they find out what happened to everyone…

Some people are unredeemable idiots.

If that was really an issue, they could have easily found an excuse to have her sentence extended — happens all the time in the real US prison system for offenses far less serious than masterminding a scheme for smuggling stolen goods out of prison (i.e. the panties).

But that's a problem with the show in giving me the bigger picture to begin with and then expecting me to understand a character's emotional state when it doesn't conform to what actually happened

If this was a British show they'd have sung Jerusalem

I suspect even a half-trained eye would have been able to tell that a Cheetos dust-covered finger tip that had been lying on a dirty floor for hours (a day?) was way past saving…

And after a released Piscatella is gunned down, the SWAT team bursts their way into the pool area, and we fade to Orange on the group of women linked to one another, their fates uncertain.

Not all that unrealistic, unfortunately.


Maybe, but it wouldn't be terribly realistic. The judicial system is hard enough on offenders even without there being prison guard shooting in the picture, not to mention the long odds of getting decent representation in court.

Kind of jarring to suddenly find a leprechaun popping up in the middle of Orange is the New Black. Whatever next…

Turning on the subtitles helps. You're automatically drawn to that text (at the top of the screen) instead. I didn't notice the guest star credits either. Of course, having read this, I'll probably won't be able to help but look at them next episode…

So you avoid watching historical dramas like Wolf Hall, I guess…

I get your point, but last time I checked, there were over 30,000 black men and women who call Scotland home.

Yep. No way Chuck would trust his estate within a million miles of Jimmy. That's not to say Jimmy won't give up without a fight, though.

It was also an incredible good script writing and/or directorial choice. We've seen scenes like that a hundred times in thrillers, but none so shot through with tension as that one.