
Jimmy was essentially confirming Chuck's diagnosis of his character. A case of show and tell storytelling, I guess.

We're certainly spoiled for choice at the moment, with shows like BCS, The Leftovers, Fargo, American Gods, Legion, and yeah, even Game of Thrones, to keep us thoroughly entertained with prestige TV.

The foreshadowing is not promising…

Hard to keep the emotional stakes high when the cast has been relegated to has-beens and the fringes of government. The only thing left is Selina's legacy, which is hardly in the same league.

"Pretty impressive."

Why would we care who else you respect if you respect anything Alex Jones does or says? You have already destroyed your own credibility.

Well, Russia isn't a communist state anymore — just one of the most powerful authoritarian state in the world. Trump and the alt-right just wish he could do half the things Putin does to suppress free speech and left-wing politics.

That awkward not-hug alone was worth it.

Once a week? You mean, as in June 25th (the season finale)?

The first season of Game of Thrones is up there for me. One of the very few I have watched twice. Legion was good too. But yeah, few and far between.

"Doing a story on him" would be fine, even recording an interview with him and interspersing his answers with detailed explanations on how full of shit he is (and believe me, he couldn't be any fuller), but giving the man the platform of a one-on-one interview like it was a 60 Minutes Special? Nope. Bad idea.


Not sure what remarks your talking about. He said there would only be another season of Fargo if he could think of a story worth making, but as of today, he doesn't have one.

Maybe so, but it's highly likely that such perps have some form of psychological deficit, whether or not it counts as a clinical illness or disorder. (Just as well, otherwise there would be many times more mass shootings if perfectly sane people were prone to such outbursts.)

So you didn't notice that the "MSM" refers to Trump the same way almost all the rest of the time, too? Seriously, outlets like the NYT and Washington Post refer to him in news reports the same way they did Obama.

Why AV Club would stoop to quote a tweet from a rabble-rousing a-hole ignoramus like Paul Joseph Watson (think Alex Jones without any sense of humor), is beyond me. He's done more to stoke the fires of political hate and fury than anyone else I know of.

If you watch really closely, you see her head begin to loll to one side ever so slightly the moment before the cut. I only noticed because I wasn't paying attention the first time, and wanted to see what happened, so played it again. Very subtly done.

Interesting, most people—including me—believe season two was the best of the bunch.

Easy solution — don't watch the previews of the shows you watch. I fail to understand why some people like to watch previews in the first place if they're going to watch the show anyway. No previews, no spoilers.

May be that scientist decided that the 2% world was better off without the other 98%. After all, he used his own device before anyone else, which would be regarded as a big no-no in the scientific community, so his ethical compass wasn't exactly pointing to true north anyway.