
Yeah, you must be the only smart person in the room…

To be fair, each episode of Sherlock is twice as long as most TV episodes these day.

Perhaps the multiverse glitched and instead of everyone's lives splitting into two universes as normal (many-worlds theory), in this case they only ended up in one of two - with a 1 to 50 split.

Yeah, the entire population of the US would be less than the population of NYC today. No doubt some would move in at least temporarily to sample what high life they could as everything fell apart around them, but they would soon be driven to a more sustainable solution.

That's not even remotely true. There would be almost 7 million people in the United States alone, the majority of whom would be adults. That's more than enough to sustain much of the civilization we know today, though obviously there would be a degree of chaos and turmoil in the early days as people came together and

Less is more in many cases. Some of the most enduring series of all time only had a dozen or so episodes, Fawlty Towers being one such show.

Watch one episode of The Leftovers vs an entire season of FTWD?

Uh oh. An Infowarrior has escaped the asylum.

Probably not, but if she did, he'd likely tear off his shirt and challenge her to a bare knuckle fight, or something.

Next week… .Tuck Buckford…

He then rails against Hollywood elites briefly, before bragging about having been at exclusive parties with Hollywood elites and dropping Brad Pitt’s name so hard it makes a small dent in the floor.

Too late. HBO already signed him through the end of 2019.

If you do that, we end up with a handful of multinational corporations (Netflix, Amazon, plus one or two others) controlling the distribution of all streamed content. How is that any better?

Bit pointless given that the most critical episode of the season is yet to air…

A nursery rhyme my grandparents taught my dad who in turn taught it to me, many, many moons ago. Hadn't heard it in years—decades…

"I hope Lindlhoff disappears into obscurity."

So close…

Don't overthink it. I've written a couple of (unpublished) novels and I know from bitter experience that trying to put enough detail into a scene to allow the reader to easily join the dots can have a serious impact on the pacing.


Well, as a kid, being left behind often feels like a world-ending calamity, so it's only natural that people would react negatively to a Rapture-like event. Fundamentalist Christians certainly like to play upon those fears when preaching to the converted and unconverted all, and it's quite often used as a passive