
I think that's a little unfair. More likely is that they care very much, but given the time and budget constraints, not to mention that nobody's perfect, they don't always get it right.

And the final episode's (I'm willing to bet).

Well, one thing's for sure, an ending the same as Lost is definitely off the table…

Hate to say it, but given the way Hollywood works, such versatility is a necessary trait for women who want to survive in the business much past 40.

Assuming you mean "open to interpretation" then yes, a satisfying ending doesn't have to tie everything into a neat little bow. That maybe hard to pull off, but that's why they pay them the big bucks, right…?

Watched Lost to the end, but no, any similarities of theme there might be haven't concerned me at all. Like you, I don't think about them when I'm watching The Leftovers. It stands on its own two feet, no doubt about that.

Could be an inside joke, for all we know.

Really? You hope a man's career is destroyed because you don't like a show he's written? Exactly the sort of nonsense a YouTube troll would say. Grow up.

The only tragedy here is that you appear to have wasted 27 hours of your life watching a show you hate. Are you going to fall for the sunk cost fallacy and make it 28?

I'll split the difference. I hated the explanation but I thought the reunions during the last episode packed a powerful emotional punch.

So, next week's intro theme: "Let the Mystery Be…"

We know that dead men tell no tales, but are you saying they still dream?

Well… if even just one highly advanced civilization exists and develops the technology to create at least one virtual reality indistinguishable from the real thing, then who's to say?

Which nation, though?

Difficult to say. I thought it was better than season one, but then I thought season one was great, so who knows?

It's a small detail, but putting quotes around the name would have filtered out pages that included both words, and of course, Google now suggests other results if it can't find any direct matches to your query.

Glad they didn't go down the impersonation route. That would have been a little ridiculous in the context of this show.

I see no reason to choose. They're both great shows in their own way. I posted a comment on the latest The Flash review saying that this is my last season watching genre shows (Flash, Gotham, Once Upon A Time, etc.) on network TV. There is enough top quality TV around on cable and Netflix that there really isn't any

Special counsels don't get appointed without evidence, and it's pretty obvious to anyone who knows anything about such matters, that Trump was seeking to shutdown the FBI Russian investigation. We don't know whether he has something to hide, or if it was just incompetence at this point (and that's granting Trump

LOL. Yeah, that was what I was thinking too. I always remember the movie, Armageddon being one of the worst offenders in this category. Bruce Willis has to blow up an asteroid before it gets too close to Earth. Billions dead, any second, but somehow he still finds time to spend five minutes saying farewell to his