
HR was a disposable character, since all the will do is find another doppleganger from another alternate reality, assuming the actor is continuing as a regular next season. Bit of a cop out, really, like trying to have your cake and eat it.

Not all of us…

I think I'm done with network genre TV. Been watching The Flash, Supergirl, Gotham, and Once Upon a Time since they all began, but frankly, with rise of high quality TV on the cable channels and Netflix, it's getting harder and harder to justify staying on the endless treadmill of 20+ episode seasons with their rinse

I think most atheists would find your question odd, since you seem to be implying that atheists have some kind desire for there to be no afterlife, and would be unable to cope if they were proven wrong.

Despite being a show that’s set in a world of near-constant innovation and progress, where everyone’s trying to get ahead of the curve and be the first one to get to market, Silicon Valley seems almost comedically afraid of getting to that same point.

It crossed my mind, though I wish it hadn't. I think you probably have to be British and over 40 to notice the similarities, however.

This show makes me happy that I just bought a good quality 65" TV.

If you prefer fast moving shows, then you're not likely to enjoy it.

And thanks to tonight's show, one Australian actor will forever have "Vigorous Hand Job Guy" on his acting resume.

Assuming the show will be available on-demand after the season is over, you could always just wait and then subscribe for one month and binge watch. Not bad for $8.99.

In less competent hands, diversionary episodes like this are often exercises in frustration, but these show runners know what they're doing, and produced two excellent hours of television, nonetheless. I enjoyed every minute of them.

I disagree. Mike's story has been core to the show from the get go.

Fring is a central necessity in telling Mike's story.

Better late than never :)

Showing my age a bit, but she was sublime in GBH (a wonderful British TV political drama from 1991).

Are you saying that, in reality, a Silicon Valley company would never throw money at something without doing even a little due diligence first?

From what I can tell, there is no correct answer — people are divided down the middle on this one. To me "gin and tonics" (G&Ts) seems the more correct form, since you're talking about more than one drink by the name of "gin and tonic."

Then I am confused. Democratic government, as imperfect a tool as it is, is an essential part of defining and protecting the civil rights of a nation's citizens.

"it's why we don't have a car that runs on water"

Sorry, I'm not going to trawl through Donald Trump's Twitter feed for you…