
Yeah, and I'm not sure any nation other than Japan could have come up with something like Babymetal and made it a commercial success…

Oh, I don't think that's necessarily true. Shameless (originally on Showtime) wouldn't be the same show at all if it was a 30 minute show.

I thought the first few minutes were a little uneven, but once we got past the introductory voice overs, I enjoyed it.

Perfect, I agree, but boy, there's gonna be a load of pissed off viewers if "Let The Mystery Be" is the final word on the show…

Yeah, even as someone who hates most country music, I thought it was an inspired choice.

Who knows? I'm rather partial to "Let the Mystery Be" myself, but I suspect they've come up with something different again, this season.

I don't think so. Kevin jumped in (a) because he knew he couldn't be killed and (b) because he likely suspected it was a stunt anyway.

If you want to get an idea of the odds of a WoT show meeting its potential, all you have to do is count the number crappy fantasy shows adapted for television vs. those the quality of GoT.

Just don't expect anything remotely as good as Game of Thrones. Even if the source material was as good (which, in my opinion, it isn't even close), then the odds of the stars aligning to produce a show the quality of GoT are very low.

Thanks — it's been a long time since I read them.

Maybe because he is thoroughly sick of it being brought up every time there's a delay in publication.

Yeah, pays to be wary of the sunk cost fallacy with that series. It's a shame, because I did enjoy the first few books.

Yep. That was the point I gave up. (Book seven/eight?) Every character featured in the book was in almost exactly the same place and circumstances at the end (after 800 pages) as they were at the beginning, with the only exception being a major battle involving Rand al'Thor that takes place "off screen".

Well, with all the skirt-smoothing, they can save on their ironing budget, so it's all good.

I enjoy bagpipes too — from about half-a-mile away…

Maybe we'll find out in a later season?

Sorry you don't appreciate the pacing of the show. Not for everyone, I guess.

Easy — they're human beings.

My introduction to I Wish We'd All Been Ready was in my teenage years, during the brief period I listened to Christian music.

I don't think they've stopped caring — seriously, that's just a lazy assumption. There are a lot of things that have to go right to be a good show, and even more for a good show to remain at their best five seasons in. At some point, people begin to run out of ideas, and the better, more successful, more creative