
It's not that difficult. You can satirize both sides without claiming they're equally bad. We wouldn't have had the shit show that's happening now, but a Clinton administration certainly wouldn't have lacked things to criticize.

It's the way they showed it in the UK too — twice a week on consecutive nights. I guess they're treating it as a mini-series.

Now I'm glad I stayed up-to-date with this show. I would have hated to have found it later on Netflix or Amazon and been spoiled by all those comments about the "amazing plot twist" at the end of the first season.

Given the vast gulf between a few decades (if you're lucky) here on Earth, and an afterlife that goes on for eternity, the traditional binary Christian view of the afterlife has long struck me as way too arbitrary and final.

She didn't have long to write something.

I would go for not real. Trevor shows up (the boss of the Bad Place) in the orientation video which, given that he was the one who brought the fake real Elanor to the Good Place, would imply that it's all part of the same scheme Michael concocted.

I dunno, you can feel pretty good after a good poop…

Kind of like this classic Twilight Zone episode:

And (re: Lost) it was the most disappointing part of the entire show. Worked much better here.

2. Well, since we're already dealing with a place that is infinite in time, it would not be a stretch to argue they also have infinite resources too.

I'm assuming that Trevor is just another of the afterlife workers roped into playing a role in Michael's experimental fake good place.

The show isn't for everyone, it's true.

What's the point? He'd only escape again — that's what villains do in the Batman universe, right?

The trouble with dream sequences is that they have become a cliche. Aspiring writers are especially warned not to start their novels with a dream sequence because agents and publishers have seen it all before — far too many times. Most of them are completely unoriginal.

You left out "Doesn't Give A" and there's an extra "s" on the end. Much more accurate title.

You sound as though you miss the days when the Catholic Church could still instill the same fear as Islamists do. I've go news for you. The majority of American Catholics these days find much that goes on in the Vatican as ridiculous as the rest of us. And the series has already been shown in Italy, drawing very

The exposition overload at the beginning was a problem for me too — it really stalled the momentum. The second episode is an improvement, however.

Surprise, surprise, yet another right-wing conservative who doesn't comprehend the long and storied history of the arts speaking truth to power.

The feeling won't last long once the Republicans dismantle their healthcare coverage.

I'll watch the series, but I think the first episode suffered from a little too much exposition from Patrick Warburton. I'm fine with the idea of an on screen narrator, (though I think they could have found someone better), but for me, there was too much of it and took the air out of the first half of the episode, and