
Tumblr banning porn?

So Tumblr is shutting down?
No? What the heck are they doing then?

I can’t see any value in this platform. I tried it briefly and it was full of porn. I checked it recently and while it was significantly better, it was still decidedly void of interesting content. 

If you gloss over trauma without a character facing it and wrestling with it, attaching to it the significance that any survivor would, then it distorts a real-life survivors sense of normalcy.

Slightly on a tangent, but is this episode appropriate for the younger viewers? I skipped the Demons of Punjab because it was hard for even me to watch, but the Rosa Parks episode we faced square-on and spent an enormous time discussing the time, history, and tragedy and how we’ve overcome so much... and what more is

The future will be many geoengineered repairs to the damage we are and likely will continue to cause. Sure, we can slash our CO2 output, but excess nitrogen is pouring into our oceans impacting it in addition to the rising temperatures already happening. Sure, we can abandon plastic bags, but the plastic we require

I don’t think its hilarious as much as it is insidious. Imagine your grandmother seeing the meme and deciding correctly that it does look similar, but not be sufficiently versed at maps to recognize the scale differences. She doesn’t have the faculties to be sufficiently inquisitive enough. She reblogs it to her

Ok. Wow. That was a tough one to read, surprisingly. The whole blast terminology was... worrisome.

I will be looking for some review on this one. Sounds like a good anthology.

I agree that most conservatives oppose Trump, but see him as better than some left-leaning alternatives. 

Argh. I feel like I’ve seen EVERYTHING on this list. No niche or indie content, sadly.

NOOO! Damn it!

I really enjoyed it. I finished season 1 and was looking forward to a child-less weekend to finish the second.

Can I just say, I am getting upset at the writing of these two episodes. Jodie Whitaker is far better than this, but she is shining through slowly.

I mean, one of the Christmas episodes had a black woman in London in the 1700s (as the companion to the Doctor-but-not-the-Doctor). Her character’s skin color was unlikely to say the least.

I loved my RX-8. The day I felt power loss, a part of me died. Thankfully, the recall letter arrived before I had to take drastic action. It came back to me a day later with a freshly refurbished engine.

The RX-8 was my baby. I met my future wife while driving it. Taught her to drive stick in it. We had dates in it. I

Two thoughts:

“With only seven of over 200 electrical substations operating after the earthquake, warning sirens lost power, failing to blare evacuation alerts.”

Clearly, that is not what the public thinks condone means anymore. A better symnonym would be ‘bless’. Something less than encourage but more than dispassionately permit.

That some bullshit you are either for us or against us nonsense. 

Aside from WonderWoman, Henry Cavill as Superman was the best part about these movies. Frankly, I would have enjoyed just a couple more Superman movies or a WonderWoman and Superman movie.

I just started playing Earthbound the other day. I love it. I really missed out when I passed it up in the 90s!

Oh, thats a good one! I played the heck out of that with my son. Good fun!
