
There is no Spiderman 2 game.

But I played this Spider-man 2 game that was amazing!

Now I just want to see it just to disagree with you more!!!!

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised. If Bob was the ideal husband at the start of the movie, it’d be pretty boring when you glimpse the family stuff.
It seems like it just highlights why Helen is better suited to be the face of the Supers.

You are such a troll. I love it.

Mr. Pullam-Moore loves to shit on things for some weird reason. Sometimes he nails it with some interesting perspective or leaving just enough unsaid to leave you in a state of mania desperately needing to see the media. Sometimes he just whiffs.

This is after I just made a faction for Stellaris (another Paradox game) featuring a humanity after the Second Coming of Christ. Biography is basically all the nonbelievers were cast to hell and those that remained were unified and ready to expand into the stars. Jesus being a semi-leviathan/extraterrestrial force

The scenario you describe sounds interesting, but how does a HOI game portray one faction or the other as the villain? Writing tends to always favor the player’s faction.

Stick up butt?

Probably just track the currency being used. “We’re sorry. Paypal does not permit the purchase of this product. Please use a different means of payment.”

Agreed. I hope, from a user perspective, we have excellent tools to help us control the content we see. If I say no to Sakura Tetris like the previous other Sakura Whatever games, maybe I don’t like anime girls in my games.

If I say no to titles with a tag of Alt-right, hopefully they won’t show up on my store front.

I don’t know. Fallout 3/4 and Skyrim WORK because it isn’t online. The interface has always been cludgy. A vast inventory (which is great due to the customization/enchanting) is not compatible with online play. The dialogue is something to be mulled. Leveling up is eventful and weighty.

This is a radical change for

Its kinda sad that this puts privacy interests at odds with the freedom of information and of the press.

Man, I thought it was going to be a more historically set version of the Communist Manifesto. Like, set the descriptions in the time and place he was in. Show Victorian work conditions when discussing labor. Show the absolute poverty of the poor as you discuss the abolition of capital and other radical ideas.

Come on Netflix. Pick up the show! You know you want to. This would top just about anything you have in every category!

This whole “Okay to be White” nonsense pisses me off.

People aren’t wrong in making the assertion that Islam has a problem with the treatment of women and domestic violence. It is above the norm when compared to other religions.

It is probably not the religion itself, but the culture around parts of it that fosters

Let’s be real. There are some cultures that are incompatible with the West. Even if we were talking about a tribe in a corner of Pakistan, we’d find this objectionable. It doesn’t matter their creed. These parents belong in jail and their daughter and children be protected.

I personally think it is culture. There is a culture that seems to have woven itself in some religions and sects, but can exist without it. Its barbaric beliefs. Its tribal arrangements. Its misogyny of a type that even Trump wouldn’t hire.

Several of these reviewers talked about that:

Scenario: Government steps forward and says ALIENS ARE REAL. They show this footage as evidence. Apoligize for coverup.