
I thought it was funny.

Oh please. For all his flaws and ego, destruction of the Constitution and authoritarianism is not one of them. Besides, the military is sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution, which they all delight in pointing out. They would oust the Commander in Chief if he ever attacked it. We’ll have a different President

I think it was the space exploration part of the budget. NASA as a whole stayed about the same. It was just prioritized on what people normally see as NASA’s job.

Just to be fair, the corporate tax cut they want now makes us competitive to Europe’s corporate tax rate. Canada and most of the EU have significantly lower corporate tax rates. Although, even an average person in France pays a lower tax rate that an average person in New Jersey (state, federal, and local).

Since Trump entered, the space exploration budget got a big boost in funding while the overall stayed roughly the same. Unfortunately, I fear NASA itself needs to be seriously reviewed, that any funding level will just not be used well and aggressively.

Jesus, I hate hearing race of the candidates being discussed. Its wrong. Is the person sensitive to racial issues impacting the community or will they cause problems. Thats the question. And man, Atlanta’s got some racism. White hating blacks. Blacks hating on whites. Latinos just trying to not get screwed over by

Agreed. The author did the topic a disservice by bringing in his own musings of racist writings being apparent because he was secretly a white guy.

Its not what people want right now. Thats why the Orville has been so incredibly popular. Its optimistic with good drama. Dark places being overcome. People struggling not with darkness inside them or their leaders but their own weakness and fear of being inadequate.

Its what was the lifeblood of TNG. Its why its

I think YOU missed the point, buddy.

My personal favorite:

Oh dear God, yes!

Would it be appropriate for a white person to feature characters of non-white background? Should those characters feature depictions of their culture and heritage? For example, a black character that might celebrate Kwanza with their family or have participated in a Gospel choir in their youth or an Arabic character

Wrong. Otherwise we would be white-washing all literature to be composed of only same-race characters. That is wrong. We need and want diversity in our literature and media. Not all things have writer panels. An author shoud be free to incorporate races and culture that aren’t there own while avoiding stereotypes or

Consider: there are some words and actions that only some may do, where it is otherwise inappropriate. Use of the N word is inappropriate for a white person. Similarly, it violates many mores to use Baby or Sugar or similar ‘sweet-talk’ by those other than your partner or whatever.

Now playing

That picture is photoshopped more than just the creepy ghost girl. The design of it all is actually pretty impressive.

Got to disagree. I saw the video first. That hallways is STUNNING when the lights are on. I feel like I could go skiing down it or something.

Holy hell, that is a damn gorgeous Christmas design.

You will drive. Lots. Houston is big. Massive. It could be its own state if it were in the neighborhood of the original colonies.

Thank you for reporting this. Arianna Huffington, in addition to be a bigot, and a fake-feminist (worse, counter femenist?), she was in a very dangerous cult that tried to take over a town and engaged in biological warfare during the election

This guy sounds like a real creep. Its hard to see room for innocense (with a dead prostitute in your bed, with drugs in his system, and photos of you with other prostitutes using drugs with them). Can we just all agree, it doesn’t matter what party you are, a sexual predator has no place in politics?