
I think you are grasping for straws. I watch Discovery, and I must admit it is my least-favorite of them when I think about it afterwards. I LOVE watching it. it is gorgeous, it is riveting. It is quite exciting and interesting. However, it is just a bore when you see what they’ve done with the show thus far.

Strongly disagree with this character description as queer or coded-queer. It would be accurate to summarize the character as a “driven for power that should be hers using her immense power practically, but savoring it in a sometimes sensual way”.

Just keep Olivia Munn. She’s got the look for Psylocke. I can’t imagine anyone else for it at this point.

Author was wrong. The 29 y-o was cast.

You know.... one of these days, these media companies are going to realize all of this outrage really doesn’t matter to their bottom line. People still buy their Nikes when the spokesman makes racist remarks. People still by Marvel comics when it makes weapon makers into super heroes.

Wonder Woman may be the best super hero movie ever made. Logan would be in a similar running except it is something... else, in my opinion. It is like a Failed Super Hero movie since it is all about despair and loss and moving on.

Ted the Caver will always be the thing that sticks with me the most. When I read it, it was just wrapping up. People were freaking out. It was fun.

Its ok. I like the Orville more. I realize now I want a new TNG. Discovery is Star Trek, but it is not a homage to TNG.

Klingons in Star Trek.

War was honestly quite good. A slow start, but with some profound moments with great action.

This is a fantastic story. Thank you.
So in your youth, you imagined yourself as a white super hero. What do you think are the differences your son will experience and benefit from in this different view? Do you think it will change his goals and outlook substantially? Are their risks and concerns?

That female Klingon captain mentioned that she was a spy, and that is why her English is so clear.

I’d recommend it. The price has never been lower. It is an awful lot of fun. My whole family is into it. Plus there is a TON of free or experimental content out there on Steam. One of my favorite apps rights now is Stage9 (check it out on, its a recreation of the Enterprise D from Star Trek TNG.

I have a similar experience, but on the Vive. TheWaveVR for example is a music and virtual rave. Just good folks. People tend to be quite respectiful as they explore this virtual and aural vista.

If they threaten violence, they get shut down. I routinely report them when they do that. It is quite enjoyable. Twitter is different than some web services: these accounts don’t violate the rules if they don’t threaten violence.

Specifically it is the Terms of Service and under that the Twitter Rules. Unfortunately, I think they suspended her because that one tweet in isolation comes across as harassment. You can have a twitter war and argue with someone, however, Twitter frowns on one-sided harassment. So if you send a mean and abusive tweet

The barrier for any sort of suspension on Twitter should be so damned high, only a person threatening personal violence, terrorism, or performing criminal transactions should be punished.

How did you not understand the situation? When Mr. Robot was supposed to air, they had a big disclaimer explaining the delay and the reasoning. It was one week later anyway.

All I know is that I love some of the hacking I’ve seen. When they throw a board between a HVAC controller and the main comm/control board behind it, i kinda started giggling. I’ve messed around with an HVAC at work like that, usurping control using a DAQ board I had, injecting commands. I was able to prank a lab next

The only way you can pull it off with out asking is know you are skilled, they know you are skilled, and they know you will bail should they no longer remain competitive. The unstated tension tends to put the employee in an empowered position, drive them to improve performance and skill, and tends to be a win-win for