
Good on her. It takes some guts to negotiate pay. Its hard to ask for a raise. Its harder still to be a good negotiator. And it may be hardest to negotiate pay as a woman in Hollywood, especially after the recent scandal that came to light regarding Harvey Weinstein extending back many decades and is likely more

I wouldn’t be too terribly surprised the something like that might happen. After all, much of the books hint toward the older ideas of George Lucas regarding the Force, that the Jedi and Sith are both extremes of the same Force. That the ‘balance’ to the Force stuff is literally a sort of gray in the middle-ness. That

But then you might have to see that dopey face of his. And then he would, I assume, speak and eventually you’d grind your teeth away.

If a law maker wrote that people can’t sell or buy clips larger than 10 rounds, the magazines on the right would remain legal. Extremely large magazines with 100 rounds is what the LV shooter used.

JESUS! I’ve shot a semi-auto(obviously) AR. That is an incredible fire rate. The only thing it is good for is to be a dummy and waste money on the range or scare/hurt people.

So much awkward coming of age through AIM. I remember asking a girl out through AIM one time. I then figured out it was better to do it in person.

Except the court’s have ruled many gun laws limiting gun rights or access (Chicago and Washington DC as the big examples) as unconstitutional.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but the courts have yet to give a pedophile protections of their ‘art’.

Friend of mine smokes them. They do smell amazing. The smoke tastes kinda bleh, but it is damn fragrant.

I wouldn’t say Marvel built a “GOOD” one. They made a highly profitable one. I couldn’t recall a single detail from any of them, but I do remember all the details of Superman, Wonder Woman, and the fun I had with Suicide Squad.
They aren’t great, but they stand well-enough.

That Westwood game was quite similar to what you described. A huge portion of the game was doing the Voight-Kampf tests on people. Much like LA Noire, it was judging their responses with aid of the machine to determine if they were an android.

The Jones act should remain, but Puero Rico needs a special case handling. They are in an advantageous position geographically. It should be leverage as such for the people.

I fully expect one character to be somehow cross-dimensional. Perhaps Michael. Maybe she is from the Abrams-verse?

It was odd and gave me a smile, but I don’t recall it being a very good or funny SNL skit. However, I always love Tom Hanks, so I’ll give him another shot.

I take issue with all of these responses. They are all disingenuous. They start from the same flaw that the original poster starts from, assumption of self being elevated and correct. You assume you know better and condescendingly entertain it with your wife.

Then what do you call the Antifa thugs? The asshole racists are bad, but don’t act like these guys with clubs, bottles, and improvised blowtorches are free of blame.

Echolocation? Duh?

He IS the BATman.

I appreciate you and Gizmodo posting this. It is worth discussing. Amidst this are some ugly statements that the author makes with no evidence, but there are some salient points that could further some discussions in the right and safe environments.

Poe at least has an arc planned out. I don’t know if Phasma does.

Agreed. It reminds me of the FarCry 3 standalone pack, Blood Dragon. It had it all except the VHS filter lines on the visuals.

They even had an episode about this. The TV guy basically said they were about to get cancelled unless they overhauled themselves. They traded in for cheaper animation (than what they have now), new actors (for cheaper salaries), and boring story (for cheaper writers). The characters realized what they did and instead