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    Except that’s not how we do it here in the PNW. For example, in Oregon:

    Reminds me of one of my favorite stories Jeff Zurschmeide used to tell of his days racing his AH Bugeye. He’d start it off like this:

    Folks have given you a lot of answers, but I want to throw one on there that I didn’t see. Yes, the worker pool exists there, but the prices are high partly because Google and the like are there. They attract (and pay a lot for) top-notch engineers, who in turn spend their money on top-notch dwellings, which in turn


    I can’t help but think it’d be entertaining to GPS-equip them, and let the idiots take them straight to their Taliban hideout. Instant coordinates for drone targeting!

    These things are so much fun to drive. Wish my brother hadn’t sold his, or rather, that I had the foresight (and money) to buy it from him.

    Aw, man, some kid’s gonna be pissed that they broke his RC plane. His dad bought that for him for Christmas!

    Based on what Stupid Flanders said about the Lincoln not hogging the lane prior to the video starting, I’m guessing he did it on purpose to the Mazda, who was tailgating.

    You don’t sound like the type of “truck guy” he was referring to. You sound like a normal person who drives a pickup. I think cellcatrd124 is misusing the term — he means “brodozer guy.”

    It’s not for me, but my opinion doesn’t matter. If he likes it, then I like that he likes it.

    I like my truck. ‘46 Dodge WC. Spent it’s first 60 years on a farm. Flathead 6 that has abundant parts availability (it was used in agriculture well into the 70s). 5.1:1 compression ratio, so it’ll burn basically whatever explodes (the manual has information about running it on kerosene). Hardened valve seats (was

    Interestingly, the 405 in Oregon isn’t that bad. It’s short, with few places for police to hide, and aside from the terrible traffic at either end during rush hour, tends to be a pretty quick drive.

    Yeah, when I’m using a card, I go full. When I use cash (which is....basically never), I’ll specify whatever amount I happen to have.

    There’s only one way to gather enough data for them to program around the problem — Robot World Rally Championship.

    This is true in Oregon — if you ride a bike, or have an unusual car, they have no problem letting you pump your own. For the bikes, I think they’re afraid of knocking it over and/or spilling gas all over your seat.

    From Oregon, can confirm. And we get irrationally angry at those who are paying cash with anything other than exact change, because then the attendant has to leave AGAIN to go make change.

    Is it the cops targeting the stanced cars, or is it the OCPDRolLCall instagram account? You’re seeing just the fraction of stops they want you to see. This is how you get a point across, by suppressing all but those data points that support your point.

    Or speeding, or driving erratically, or texting and driving, or...

    Or the guy in the F40 was speeding. OCPD traffic division is in charge of enforcing all traffic violations.

    I tried to read that book, but the author was amazingly repetitive over the first few chapters, without providing enough detail to back up his repeated assertion that IBM was in league with the Nazis. I have no doubt they were, but I wished that book got to the meat of the matter a little quicker.