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    I know you meant guilty, but I like the idea of companies making quilts to make them quilty.

    Hmm...there are plenty of spare Subaru parts at my parents house, what with both brothers having wrecked their rally cars this season...

    Didn’t realize they did drifting out at Pat’s Acres. They have (used to?) some wicked shifter carts out there..

    Holy crap I feel old. I was about to turn 9 when you were born. You probably never enjoyed the gloriousness of a new Commodore or Apple II.

    Kudos to these folks for actually staying in their lane. I understand finding the perfect racing line, but the joy of a well-cornering car is, in fact, in taking it around corners.

    An excellent point, actually.

    Forget the TDI, it’s going to be a good time to buy a standard GTI.

    Audi does, and Audi is part of VAG. VAG will be looking to their other brands to keep the profits alive until the VW name gets its reputation back. Thus, good discounts. So, instead of heading to the VW dealer, head to the Audi dealer.

    Exactly my thinking. It may take a while, but VAG is huge; this won’t kill them. I’d venture to say that a not-insignificant amount of people don’t actually care that their VWs weren’t as clean as they were purported. It won’t be a huge number of people, but won’t be zero.

    “underrated from the factory.” No joke, I’ve had people tell me that about minivans.

    I can spot the fellow Commodore owner.

    That’s indeed sad news. In addition to The Love Bug, I loved Snowball Express.

    Don’t worry, I used my SE-R to kick the ACR’s butt in stage rally (that may have been down to the driver of the ACR being a bit too timid...)

    Well, now you have. Had a ‘95 SOHC coupe, and it was a blast. Yeah, it blew a headgasket (and warped the head) at 104k, but $700 and another motor later, it lasted until 224k before the transmission had had enough (twice).

    I....I thought the best part was driving great roads across country? Now you’re saying it’s putting crappy stickers on my car?

    Get some friends. Lay out a route (via Google Maps if you have to). Don’t be afraid to have unexpected adventures.

    Well, obviously the answer is another Muppet band — Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. Put on “Movin’ Right Along” and you’re good.

    The whole thing screams “designed by someone who has no kids (or who have kids with narcolepsy).” Seriously, my kid would love this — no sleep, all play, 24/7! [Add to cart]

    Came for Real Genius stuff, left satisfied. Glad to know I’m not alone in loving that movie.

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