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    Upon the Blue Ridge Mountains. There I’ll take my stand.

    There actually comes a point where there are “too many cooks in the kitchen”, as it were, and another person is just in the way of the people actually helping. There were certainly plenty of folks already attending to the occupants, so might as well get video. Besides, it’s always helpful to have documentation of

    This seems like a good place for Russia to park all it’s broken equipment, and charge some cash for people to look at it.

    Nope, many stages, broken up by transit sections. So, timed sections where you do all the TSD-y stuff, followed by a short transit section to the start of the next timed section; you have X number of minutes to get to the start of the next timed section, follow all local laws.

    Oh, trust me, I know. See my other reply to AudiAudiOxenFree.

    Oh, trust me, I know. Come up to Portland, OR, and run our Friday Niter series. No mileages, full of traps. Run at night.

    Responsible routemasters/checkpoint workers will call these guys out. If your routemaster isn’t hard on those guys (i.e. disqualification and potential ban to future events), then they’re not responsible. Find another group to rally with.

    I’ve often said (and my counselor-trained wife agrees) that TSD rallies are a great form of pre-marital counseling. If you don’t kill each other (or only kill each other slightly), you’ll be fine.

    Oh man, they gave you mileages to each instruction? With a simple 4-function calculator, you can easily find out when you’re supposed to be at each of those instructions.

    Our car came equipped with some super-HD surround screens. Seriously, it’s like an OmniMax theater in there. You can see everything out these windows screens.

    We just picked some up recently, so they still make ‘em. We had them as kids, too.

    Clarkson and Evans are friends. I imagine the conversation went like this:

    See, every time I see one of these, I don’t think “wow, there’s someone who’s really trendy” or “man, what a sweet mod to do to a truck, how original!”

    This or the Aston, those are my picks. These are very pretty in person.

    I crashed a Bing StreetSide car once, but a simple reboot brought it back.

    That was a fantastic episode, especially if you caught all the Pink Floyd references.


    The all-new Subaru Shame.

    Commodore for life!

    Back in ‘98 I was working the Wild West rally when Doug Schrenk’s Saab 900 caught fire and burned to the ground. We came across it the next day while cutting across the stage to get to another stage, as Doug and Co were working to get it up onto the trailer (no mean feat - even the wheels melted); I lent my battery to