
Well Leith was cool for about three seconds there, then downshifted back into "Greer, Pay attention to meeeeeeee!" mode. His solution that she annul her marriage and marry him would fix…what about her financial situation?

No, they haven't. She found out he had threatened her baby and told him he now had no chance whatsoever getting her. But when she was all drugged at that party and said "that is probably a terrible idea but I'm ready to have sex with you now" he figured she was on something and said no.

Except he isn't. That's why he went to Catherine earlier in the episode and basically said "Your daughter keeps showing up in my bed, but I keep turning her down and I just need you to know that"

It is a bit disappointing. On one hand, I still think they handled rape better than a lot of other shows have, but now that it just looks like they had Mary get raped just to set up a love triangle its pretty icky.

I swear Conde didn't start out as deadly earnest, I seem to remember him being fun. Back when he was just around a lot just popping in to be irreverent and sleep with married women. But then he and Narcisse switched places in the script and Conde was now the one motivating all the plot and Narcisse became the one who

two big films each, I'd say

I thought it was "Do you believe in love after love" which I think is more appropriate and hopeful.

The really religious Chicagoans all live on the south side.

"I'd love to postpone, darlin, but I just cashed my last raincheck" "What's that from?" "MY BRAIN!"

If I may translate?

All I remember of him in that part is him flirting with/threatening Blake Lively in that bar scene. Effective, but not that much of a stretch.

John Cullum!

The Selfie of Dorian Gray doesn't seem like that bad of an idea.

In his Nerdist episode he was talking about Deadwood ending abruptly and said that he had to shave his head and go make a movie in Romania but at least he got to keep the house he had just bought. So yeah, Hitman not exactly a career highlight.

We just watched Britney rehearse, basically. That was special.

I can't believe anyone watching this show would say that Chuck wasn't showing any signs of mental illness…

Dan on Roseanne
Gru from Despicable Me
Marlon from Finding Nemo (Is it weird to have more than one good cartoon dad on my list?)
Any man in the Bartlett White House, but mostly Josh Lyman
Al and Sam from Quantum Leap

While we're on Tucci: I'm gonna go with Paul Child.

The one I saw, he was talking about having to strongly resist the urge, when dealing with his teenagers, to not google himself and go "Look! In the real world, I am actually cool!"
And that's just adorable.

Like Ava kills Boyd (A scenario I only started to consider in the last two episodes when they started bringing up what happened in the pilot) and she's pregnant so she still can't/won't leave?