
Tell me again why people hate the wives? Or consider them "nagging" when they call their antihero husbands on being terrible people who will probably get their whole family murdered? How exactly was Skyler supposed to react?!

Yeah, it really wasn't handled that well. I understand that she would end up saying "I'd rather be unhappy with you than without you" as a way to tie up her story (even though I don't think he'll live to fulfill that) and as a thing that people do in relationships. But Winona herself has been handled so

"there’s no indication that he’s remotely impressed or moved" Ever….by anything.

How much does it suck that I saw Slumdog Millionaire, thought he was very good it it (I think he did some great work on Newsroom as well) but the first thing I hear in my head when his name is mentioned will always be "BRING ME YOUR ALL YOUR ELDERLY!!!!" As though that line was entirely his fault?

Whenever I've felt the need to watch that movie, I always forget how incredibly uncomfortable it is.

In Her Shoes is probably the worst example. Although they don't really play it up that much there were just these random moment that just made me go "oh right, they want me to think she's the fat ugly sister just because the other one is Cameron Diaz"

Or for the stuff she did as a little girl, like Independence Day or hope floats (and that scene where runs after her father's car with her little suitcase begging him to take her with him and I can never watch that again because she's too good at it.

And so you insanely thought the writers had a plan? Some sort of endgame?

Why, what was your crazy True Blood theory?

Same reason Betty's still there?

True. I mean vaguely trendy things pop up (skinny jeans?) but I feel like we're living in an era where the defining style is to wear whatever we want, as long as it's not too crazy or too formal.

Yeah, I think my mom wore that to my aunt's wedding (except in was goldenrod yellow, the colors in that decade, I can't even-) in '72

Subverted the formula before it was a formula

Yeah, but I love Miracle to death. Remember the Titans, too.

You know, I haven't been getting the impression that Raylan was all that interested this time around. Ava kissed him (here and in the pilot, actually) and she's been the one saying things like "Are you asking me NOT to sleep with him?" and "You mean why isn't it me and you in that hotel room with champagne on ice?"

Not sure how versatile that look is, really. The most clean cut I'm ever seen him was for Machete (of all things) and he clearly was obligated to keep the long hair for Lost, so that hair is just sort of slicked back and the whole look was just this weird midpoint between "high powered political operative" and "the

I think Wynn Duffy could.

Well I do have a lot of faith in his taste in scripts. I'm trying to think of anything I've seen him in that was badly written and drawing a blank.

I appreciated that on BB they at least had the one moment where Jesse said "but we sell poison to addicts who don't care!"

And they did set that up already, when Hot Rod Dunham died in Eric Roberts' arms. Then again maybe they did that scene so we wouldn't expect it to end that way between Boyd and Raylan.