
I've heard that used as a joke about Eleanor Roosevelt, In a West Wing ep, I think.

Not sure if you've been listening, but a lot of us call what happens in this book rape as well.

Oh new guy is clearly too dumb (or too hotheaded) to live. Figured that somewhere between him whining "This was supposed to be easy money!" and not even knowing who Ava was, and subsequently kinda hitting on her.

6. Pretty much thinks Raylan is a joke, though a useful one.

I really enjoyed the last new guy who got robbed or shot or something after working that bar for about a day yelling "This is the worst job in the world!!"

I think he was stache-less in The Contender?

Him being able to repeat it back to her, kinda word for word, several years later was enjoyable as well.

But the first 15 seconds don't communicate anything other than extreme Irishness and palpable rage, which (as a born and raised Midwesterner) would seem to have fuck all to with Iowa or getting Iowans excited about voting for Scott Walker.

Seriously, what the hell does Shipping Up to Boston have to do with winning the Iowa caucus?!

And I'm sure he will.

But they're trying to have it both ways. On one hand they present Kenna's new version of the story: it was a horrible degrading experience where a mad king trapped and coerced her into being his mistress, but on the other hand they have Henry's ghost show up because why not get a few more crazy hot sex scenes out of

Because when it comes down to it, between a life with Winona or a life with Boyd Crowder…he'll pick Boyd

Oh Kenna…I can't tell if her so thoroughly rewriting her affair with Henry is the writers forgetting how that all went down or the character herself trying to rewrite what happened. Because, now she felt trapped and ashamed, sure…

Count me in that minority as well. Not that the Gene Wilder didn't have its off kilter moments (ie that scary tunnel scene) but I thought Burton's darkness got Dahl's tone a lot better.

It does, but it more or less portrays it as the most amicable breakup in the history of marriage.

I didn't know that at all, and, because of his "voice" as we've always heard it I assumed he was American

I took Film Meditations on Mental Health, so I more or less actually took that class. I recommend it highly! Wrote a paper on The Aviator (specifically, OCD in The Aviator) and did my final presentation on how questionable information or even flat out lies are presented in films as truth by having a doctor present

Terrible, no. But, as much as I've tried, I really don't enjoy Hugh Jackman as a singer most of the time.

Counterpoints: That opening battle montage. Liev Schrieber

I love to laugh at a good bad Lifetime Movie and I have to say, Sexting in Suburbia actually turned out to be a pretty good movie about high school slut shaming, then they kinda blew it in the last few minutes by blaming it all on the cell phones.