
And yet the hair was adorably old-fashioned.

And hey remember when Robert was about to fire him, but then the war broke out? Because no one at Downton (especially Robert or Cora) seems to!

Yeah that line has to be a hint of things to come. Now that they've thoroughly rewritten Bates into a violent psychopath, I feel like this is going to be season of Anna walking into a lot of doors, falling down some flights of stairs and making a lot more excuses for Bates's temper.

Considering the virgin daughter basically gets sold into an Arab Sheik's harem, I'd say it felt like it was scripted by fundamentalists from the 1880s.

Isn't it usually the other way around? We steal jokes from Canada?

I heard on the radio that the "Boom Clap" song was written for her and she turned it down. So presumably some time in the past few years she just went "I have Disney money my kids and I can live off of for decades. Retired!"

Well now I just want a War Bear movie.

Well then there's "I may not make an honest buck, but I'm a hundred percent American and I aint working for no two-bit Nazi"

"in reality there weren't that many women in espionage probably" is I think just another way to say "We haven't done enough research!"

Are we quoting? Yay. Because her "I finally played a scene with Neville Sinclair (angry zipup)" is one of the reasons I loved that movie.

For Timothy Dalton alone, see it. But go in knowing that it is so so proudly cheesy.

I'd watch that. BTW Has no one made a movie about WW2 service animals yet? I think there's some pretty incredible stories to tell there. Many heroic dogs, and pigeons.

That may be true. I'll defend First Avenger as a better, more memorable film (which is silly, they're very different movies and should be valued on their own merits) and I will love The Rocketeer forever.

I haven't clicked the link, is Ralph Fiennes in the Best Actor running? Really incredible performance, I thought and unlike anything I've seen him do. Hilarious, but sincere, and only scary in the few moments when it needed.

The part that I saw (snuck in and saw like twenty minutes) seemed very Beautiful Mindlike

Love that the second he really decides to become Don Draper (by rejecting Adam, the first time) a pretty brunette falls out of the sky.

Wait, Cannevale is playing a brand new character written for this movieā€¦.why the hell isn't he just playing Rooster?! Since it was already in the script and seemingly perfect for him?

A good 20 years older than we think?

But I can still only watch Justified on Amazon Prime? Great

True. And trying it when she knew he was feeling vulnerable, desperate,unwanted and confused is probably the best time to try to get Don into bed, we've seen that. Might have worked too, in a different season when he was actually sleeping around and she wasn't a squeaky voiced blonde with the mind of a child.