
Or the fact that Whedon has dedicated a lot of screentime to sexy witches. And one of them briefly became a monster.

This all translates to…they have really weird deep fryers at FKC?

It was perfect?

Hey now, sometimes he just gets arrested.

Have you seen him dance? That might help.

But I did love many little bits of that movie.

But….no one in these Marvel movies (meaning not Spiderman) actually has a secret identity, so how would they do this story? The only person I can think of who was pretending to not be a superhero is Black Widow in Iron Man 2. Everyone in Winter Soldier seemed to know that Steve Rogers was Captain America.

Does that mean that his character was a big part of the third book? I only read the second one and as I recall, Daniel is barely in it.

WHY do you need to Know?!

Admittedly it was a marriage that he didn't know about since he had changed his own history in season one. But the whole thing with his wife was handled oddly. I get that its about him sacrificing his own happiness, his own life, really, but I'm not sure the "You've been married this whole time…surprise!" was

Right? I don't know how it never occurred to me that they had no set. I mean, they only had one prop that carried through the whole series. How expensive was this show?!

Fair point, establishing him as a fairly shallow person isn't really the same as not building a layered character.

And this is where I have to admit that I've seen practically no Bond. 20 minutes of Dr. No, Goldeneye, Casino Royale, and Skyfall. So really, I might find out Bond is totally my kind of action movie, if I ever sit down and watch them. Then again, I'd have to get beyond all the misogyny, which was hard enough to take

But I feel like they've put less work into making Langham a real person (weird turn of phrase when some of these people were real, but, you know what I mean) than with any of the other side characters.

I think we've had several, actually.

Me too. Maybe it's because I've never loved the whole espionage/super spy thing (I'm not that wild about Bond either, Skyfall aside) but I've found the all the Bournes pretty dull.

Seeing as how so much of this episode is about Bill's tendency towards bullying (and how much of the series is about Virginia's total dependence on him) I found it pretty uncomfortable that Langham's situation is still kinda played for laughs even as his boss is coercing him into sex. Maybe it wasn't at all meant that

Guess it's time to put mine back in its case, must protect.


I had the presence of mind to just rent Black Swan and tell them afterwards that i had it if they were interested. They were and I didn't watch it with them but then they told me later they thought it was boring.